Since the "consensus" global warming has disappeared "unexpectedly," how long before the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and other green-sharia outlets start claiming that recent global cooling is the result of human CO2 emissions?
(click on image to enlarge)
As documented by previous temperature charts, the global atmospheric temperatures have been on a declining trend over the last 15 years. The adjacent chart depicts similar results with a change: instead of CO2 levels (ppm), this chart shows the recent human CO2 emissions in gigatons.
Since 1983 (30 years), there have been two distinct phases of global temperatures.
On the right side of this chart, the last 15 years had human CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere increasing by over 100 billion tons. However, instead of an acceleration of the predicted atmospheric warming, the prior 15-year trend was reversed - a new global cooling trend was established.
This is clear empirical evidence of the spectacularly wrong prediction by the environmental organizations' green-sharia "experts" and the IPCC's "scientists."
1. Human CO2 emissions are not a global temperature "thermostat"
2. The current AGW hypothesis is severely weak, at best
3. Any regional/local surface warming experienced is obviously not a result of the actual cooling global atmosphere...thus, must be due to other factors (hmmm....fabrication of warming temperatures anyone?)
4. Billions to trillions have been wasted by governments, industries and consumers to avert a predicted, slam-dunk warming from a failed greens' hypothesis
5. If this global atmospheric cooling trend persists much longer, the greens and the MSM "journalists" will pirouette 180 degrees and claim human CO2 causes cooling (and climate change)
Additional global temperature and climate charts.
Note: Data sources used for above chart. Since 2012 total CO2 emissions have not yet been published, the total amount used in the chart for the last 15 years (ending 2012) is a close approximation.