Coverups, lies and censorship seem to be the natural response to the mounting Obama scandals and screwups - it's become so bad the administration now feels compelled to even delete actual climate facts that are inconvenient.....likely because of the embarrassment of climate reality for the anti-science occupier of the White House
(image source)
The Obama administration might be one of the dumbest of all time, if the test is based on how many times an administration can be caught performing egregious acts in a twelve-month period.
As if the Benghazi, the IRS, AP/Fox and NSA scandals were not enough to confirm Democrats' generic incompetence/sleaziness, and hate for the Constitution/Bill of Rights, now Obama is caught blatantly censoring climate reality science.
- "New York Times environment reporter and believer of potentially catastrophic AGW Andrew Revkin is stunned at Twitter by the behavior of the White House...Apparently blogger Steve Goddard had left a very factual tweet at the WhiteHouse Twitter page...Obviously Goddard’s inconvenient fact was too much for the White House – so they deleted Goddard’s tweet. Andy Revkin, much to his credit, found that type of raw censorship “disturbing”...It looks like under Obama, society is not open at all. Some may even argue that it has become Stasi-like, especially when one considers the massive scale of the government’s Internet snooping and intrusion. The vibrations that Andy is picking up are not imaginary. He’s right in calling this disturbing."
Interested in where all these scandals end? Read on....
Severe-climate and modern-temperature charts.