There is an old saying: "even a broken clock tells the right time twice a say".....per the actual empirical evidence, the IPCC's climate models yearn for even that meager level of success - climate reality can be brutal, especially for those billion dollar 'GIGO' computer models that have put climate science into a proverbial 'SNAFU'
(click on image to enlarge; top chart source, bottom chart source)
The spectacular failure of climate "expert" opinions regarding the claimed modern, dangerous "tipping point" global warming has recently been addressed here, here, here and here.
These delusional, fear-mongering expert opinions predictions are, more often than not, based on a blind faith subservience to dysfunctional, CO2-centric climate models.
We speak of those computer models that time after time have literally proven unable to perform as promised (see previous 'C3' postings on climate models).
Climate model "science" has long been a black hole swallowing up billions in taxpayer funds with the promise that state-of-the-art models were needed to accurately predict global temperatures and climate change. But as these two new charts reveal, the most advanced computer models still are incapable of doing such.
What can be surmised from these charts? (more info on top chart here and bottom chart here)
1. The top long-term chart clearly depicts that the underlying physics and physical science of climate science are light-years from being settled - if the actual science was truly "settled," one would expect a consensus model output, not the ludicrous wide range of predicted outcomes as denoted by the multiple wavy curves and the green circles (obviously, each of these models exhibits a different idea of the global climate process and relationships)
2. The top chart reveals that the IPCC "consensus" that increased levels of the trace gas CO2 will cause long-term, runaway global warming of the lower atmosphere is, more than likely, massively wrong
3. The bottom chart indicates that the IPCC climate models are even worthless for short-term predictions of less than a decade, completely missing the recent cooling trend of actual observed temperatures
4. Finally, the combination of the two charts provides stunning verification that these CO2-centric models have been coded to be way too sensitive to the trace gas CO2 and the mythical positive feedbacks - the model programmers purposefully coded this hyper-sensitivity into the models, while idiotically desensitizing the models to natural earthly/solar/cosmic climate forces and negative feedbacks
Unfortunately, the massive failure of climate models was foreordained due to the input from the IPCC's long standing, politicized-science agenda (global warming must be blamed on man and human CO2). As a result, we are now experiencing a classic example of expert GIGO costing billions; generating a vast misallocation of economic resources; wasting global person-hours out the wazoo; and, producing climate models that not only mislead policymakers, but after billions spent, still can't predict squat.
A massive lose-lose-lose-lose SNAFU for the entire world...and brought to you, the taxpayer, by clueless "expert" bureaucrats, like this and this. God help us.