The state-of-the-art satellite technology scientists utilize to measure climate changes confirms that the CO2 emission-based anthropogenic global warming theory is stupendously wrong.....satellites document that rapid global warming change does not exist and CO2, at best, has a minuscule impact on global temperatures - the empirical evidence simply debunks the "IPCC consensus" myth
(click on chart to enlarge, sources of data)
The real-world climate facts don't lie, but politicians, bureaucrats, taxpayer-funded scientists and mainstream journalists most certainly do.
No better examples to illustrate the propaganda of the climate liars-deniers are the continuous claims that global warming is: rapid, accelerating, unequivocal, dangerous, irrefutable, unprecedented and, of course, runaway - soon to boil both the atmosphere and oceans, just like Venus!
The chart on the left literally debunks all these climate liar-denier claims.
Since late 1978, high-tech satellites have been measuring the temperature of the globe. This chart is a plot of the 1-year changes in June temperatures since the advent of satellite measurements.
If the climate was highly sensitive to increases in atmospheric levels of CO2 (as predicted by the IPCC and "expert" climate models), over the last 35 years the plot of June temperature changes would produce a linear trend of anywhere from 2 to 6 C degree increase by June 2100.
Instead, climate reality reveals an empirical linear trend that would increase June temperatures by a ludicrously small +0.03 C degrees (not three degrees, not three-tenths of a degree, but an almost immeasurable three-hundredths of a degree by June 2100).
If the climate was highly sensitive to increases in atmospheric levels of CO2 (as predicted by the IPCC and "expert" climate models), then the relationship between CO2 levels and temperature increases would be represented by a high R2 calculation.
Instead, climate reality reveals an empirical R2 calculation for CO2 and global temperatures that is essentially zero. Just by visually looking at this chart, it is writ large that June global temperature changes have no relationship to June CO2 levels over the past 30+ years.
As the chart's red curve depicts, June temperatures over 3-year periods go up, then go down, then back up, then down and etc., ad infinitum. They do this regardless of CO2 levels, which strongly suggests that natural climate patterns/oscillations completely overwhelm the tiny impact of CO2 physics in the real world.
Finally, the linear trend of June atmospheric CO2 levels suggest a CO2 ppm level of 545 will be reached by June 2100AD. If this AGW "climate science" repeat of the last 35 years just continues as is, remember, June temperatures will only increase by a measly +0.03 degrees.
Wasting trillions on that more than likely outcome is literally criminal.
Additional modern temperature and greenhouse-gas charts.
Note: Chart, linear trends and r-squared produced using Excel