Empirical evidence and public polls don't lie, only politicians do - Obama's denial of global cooling temperature trends, despite the HadCRUT4 hard empirical evidence and the overwhelming views of the public, reflects his long-held ideologue, anti-science stance...a denier's stance that remains fanatically rigid, regardless of the IPCC's gold-standard of evidentiary facts
(click on chart to enlarge, source of data)
Although Obama claims the world is dangerously warming from carbon emissions, all the evidence, such as this adjacent chart, reveals that he is a denier of the first order (or, he is so freaking stuck-on-stupid he is unable to understand this simple, in-your-face scientific data).
This actual evidence is so obvious now that even the Democrats' principal propaganda organ, the New York Times, has been forced to admit that Obama's "global warming" has gone AWOL.
Lending support that his is an anti-science, religious, fanatic's belief, over 60% of Americans believe warming is a minor issue, and the Chinese public refutation is at the same percentage.
"...Americans and Chinese are among the least apprehensive about climate change. Just 40 percent of Americans say global warming poses a major threat to the United States, a virtually identical number to those saying so in China."
And unlike Obama, most Americans (and Chinese) are not honorary members of the Flat Earth Society that also embraces the anti-science of the failed AGW theory.
Additional evidence that dangerous, accelerating global warming is neither a short, medium nor long-term problem.