At the recent U.S. Senate hearing on climate change, the Democrats' own anti-CO2 experts confirmed that global warming has disappeared over the last decade+, much to some joint chagrin.....their agreement with the known scientific evidence also confirms that Obama was flat-out lying about global temperatures "accelerating" - for the record, since the Kyoto Protocol signing, global warming has barely moved the temperature needle
(click on charts to enlarge, sources of data)
"Speaking at a Democratic fundraiser less than a month before directing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to impose costly new restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions, Obama said, “we also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or 10 years ago.”"
The anti-science, reality denier rhetoric by Democrats is not helpful towards discussing the real-world impacts of climate change - indeed, their continuing bizarre denial of the observed empirical science is not influencing Americans as to the fabricated dangers of global warming. Only 28% of Americans now consider it a priority.
The actual empirical evidence supporting the skeptics of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) could not be any more blatantly obvious as the two above charts depict:
1. Per the left chart, since the signing of the Kyoto protocol, the world's annual growth of human CO2 emissions has almost doubled - experts said CO2 emission growth would be has not happened
2. Per the left chart, the U.S. has led the world in CO2 emission reductions over the last 16 years (additional evidence of that inconvenient fact)
3. Per the left chart, the CO2 emission reductions by Kyoto-signing nations that chose to implement the protocol have underperformed the U.S. reduction efforts by a wide margin (the U.S. under the Clinton administration did not ratify nor implement the Kyoto Protocol)
4. Per the left chart, the potential impact of additional U.S. CO2 emissions from the proposed Keystone pipeline is noted - the impact will almost be zero (see bright red arrow overlaid on end of green arrows)
5. Per the right chart, the deceleration of global warming to global cooling is documented from an analysis of the NOAA/NCDC global temperature dataset (since August 2001, the moving 5-year linear trend has been bouncing between a slight cooling to a slight warming, which is far from being an "accelerating" characteristic)
6. Per the right chart, the actual observed linear trends of global temperatures are substantially below the "experts" predictions of global warming - these were the pre-Kyoto expert predictions that global temperatures would accelerate to climate "tipping points" if significant Kyoto cuts in CO2 emission growth were not implemented
7. Per the right and left charts, it is empirically obvious that the world's spectacular growth of CO2 emissions since Kyoto has had little, if any, warming impact on the world
Additional temperature and climate charts.
Notes: All charts, linear trends and averages produced using Excel. Global warming (cooling) trends were calculated using NOAA's June 2013 global land/ocean dataset. The 'Since Kyoto 1997' trend begin date is July 1997; 'Since 2000' trend begin date is December 2000; the 'Last 10 Years' trend begin date is July 2003; and, the 'Last 5 Years' trend begin date is July 2008.