There is no disagreement that the IPCC climate models have been spectacularly wrong over the last 15+ years of zero global warming - even the IPCC admits that, as the adjacent graph attests.
To make matters worse for climate science credibility, it's now revealed that the IPCC's new climate report claim of "95% certainty" has absolutely zero statistical / mathematical support.
"First of all, the figure 95% isn't really calculated in any way. It's literally pulled out of the air. The gullible audience of the IPCC is supposed to believe that the IPCC members are shamans with supernatural skills and if they vote about and approve a figure they randomly invent, it's a deep and accurate truth one should worship.".....
Obviously, the IPCC has not learned from their past egregious lapses in scientific judgment.
It is with our 99% certainty that hard-science scientists would agree that the IPCC's "95%" claim is entirely non-statistical flim flam, which the average person would be mislead by.