(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The Obamacare Headlines From November 10, 11 & 12th: (download updated PDF)
U.S. Won WWII In Less Time Than It's Taking White House To Build A Working Obamacare Web Site
In North Dakota, 30 People Sign Up for Obamacare, But 35,000 Lose Plans [Vid]
Under Obamacare, People Pay More for Inferior Health Plans, Lose Health Insurance They Liked
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
After His Health Plan Was Canceled, The Cheapest Option Under Obamacare Was Anything but Cheap
NBC:Californian’s Insurance Dropped Due to Obamacare Has to Buy Inferior, More Expensive Coverage
Poll: 55% Favor Repeal of Obamacare
Bill Clinton: Obama should honor his commitment, let people keep their health plans [Vid]
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obamacare Navigators Counsel Applicants to "Lie" [Vid]
CBS: Memo warned of "limitless" security risks for HealthCare.gov
It Begins… St. Louis Woman’s Personal Information Stolen From Obamacare Website [Vid]
Democrat Senator's Re-election On The Ropes Due To Obamacare
State and Local Governments Cutting Work Hours Due to Obamacare
10 Reasons for the White House to panic
Completely Clueless: Democrat Pelosi - Obamacare Implementation "Gone Very Well"
Poll: Americans Disapprove of Obama and Oppose Obamacare
CBS: White House ‘Desperate’ on Obamacare [Vid]
USA Today: Obamacare options grim for young people
Obamacare Website Enrollment 90% Below Government Expectations
Fewer than 50,000 People Have Enrolled In Obamacare Exchanges
Americans 34 Times More Interested In Buying Guns Than Obamacare
White House plans to inflate Obamacare enrollment with phony enrollees
USA Today: A Forewarning of Obamacare's Future: Study says Medicaid recipients would be better off without it
Think Obamacare Is Bad Now? It Gets Worse Next Year
Obamacare supporters shocked to discover tooth fairy isn’t real
Obama’s Apology and Obamacare Fallout [Vid]
Three More Apologies the President Will Be Making on Obamacare
Bill Maher on Obama lying..."he had to do so in order to help the dumb Americans"
Obama’s Massive Fraud - if he was a CEO, he'd be toast
Democrat Rep.: 'I Think the President Was Grossly Misleading to the American Public' [Vid]
ABC: Pennsylvanian’s Insurance Cancelled Due To Obamacare, Still Can’t Sign Up For Coverage [Vid]
Breaking Bad: Vermont's Woes With Its Healthcare Exchange [Vid]
Hope Is All Obamacare Has Left
Lies of Obamacare: What he knew and when he knew it
The Chronology of the Obamacare Lie
Study: Less competition on the Obamacare exchanges - Opposite of Obama Election Promise
Obama’s Promise of “Competition” in Obamacare: Also False
How bad can Obamacare fiasco really get? The answer is...worse. A lot worse
California Obamacare exchange required insurers to cancel plans
Facebook: Doctors Against Obamacare
Obamacare in Worse Shape than mainstream media Telling Viewers [Vid]
The Hidden Marriage Penalty in Obamacare
How Unpopular Has Obamacare Become? Very
NYT: Liberal learns pain of losing health coverage but her progressive friends are not 'liking' her
Wall Street economist gives 4 impacts of Obamacare
Obamacare slams likely 2014 swing voters
Self-Insured Could Have Decisive Impact in 2014, Democrats Lose Big
Dating Site: ‘Don’t Get Screwed by Obamacare' - an innovative marketing tactic
Obamacare hitting Wisconsin residents with double whammy
Obamacare ‘a Piñata - You Can Hit it From Any Angle and Get Some Reward’ [Vid]
"Obamacare...For Sluts?" See Obama's latest taxpayer ad
The Rise of the Obamacare Scams
NYT: Con Men Prey on Confusion Over Obamacare
WSJ on how to spot fake Obamacare sites: If ‘website is usable’
Obamacare navigator has sordid past - accused of bribery and influence peddling
Analysis: Tens of millions could be forced out of health insurance they had
It’s the Good News that Could Doom Obamacare
Nightmare From K Street: The Extreme Left's Single-Payer Fantasy