(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 13 & 14th: (download updated PDF)
Noteworthy Headline For 'C3' Readers: If You Liked Obamacare, You’ll Love ClimateCare
USA Today: Obamacare credibility going up in smoke
Gallup: Disapproval of Obamacare Growing
The disaster that is Obamacare
Democratic Panic Forces Obama to Buckle
President Obama Admits That Obamacare is Unworkable
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
The Constitutionality of the Obamacare “Fix”
Democrat Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the 'Legal Authority to Do This' [Vid]
What's Happened to the Executive Obligation to Execute the Law?
Obama's Cancellation "Fix": Violating the Law for a Short-Term Public Relations Move
Obamacare “Fix” Is About Shifting the Blame
Obamacure worse than Obamacare
Obama’s Humpty Dumpty fix: Health insurance market should put itself back together again
Not even a messianic President can unscramble the Democrats' Obamacare egg
Too Late to Let People Keep Their Health Plans [Vid]
Obama Allows Illegal Health Policies
5 Big Questions About President Obama’s Health Law Tweak
Obamacare a ‘Surreal’ Trainwreck
Obama meets reality, Obamacare meets Hayek
The Obama-disaster news conference on Obamacare [Vid]
‘The Obamacare Lie That Can’t Be Fixed’
Questions for Senate Democrats who voted for Obamacare disaster
Obama: No One Told Me About Obamacare’s Problems - you can't make this stuff up [Vid]
Obamacare Synopsis: No Such Thing As Free Health Benefits That Democrats' Promised
Obamacare Wreck Explained: The bureaucrats and the activists thought they were smarter
Liberal/Progressive Reveals Obamacare’s Original Sin: “We needed a CEO who understood.” Yeah, but we elected a community organizer
Insurance Broker: Premium Increases for Small-Business Policies under Obamacare 'Unbelievable'
Does Obama let health-care reform collapse?
Newt Gingrich: ‘Obamacare is going to collapse’
Georgia Insurance Commissioner Says Obamacare Will Collapse [Vid]
CNN: Obamacare Enrollment a ‘Complete Disaster’ for Obama [Vid]
Democrats' Healthcare.gov Not Expected to be Fixed by End of November
New security issues emerge for ACA site
Leno: When Bill Clinton Is Lecturing You About Commitment Is When You Know You’re In Trouble
Obamacare Result: In just six weeks, Republicans have completely erased a 9-point deficit in a generic congressional ballot
President Trying to Give Democrats' Lifeline' to Save Obamacare Fiasco
The Emerging Democratic Divide Over Obamacare
For Senate Democrats, Obama’s Word Not the Final Say
Democrat Senator on Obamacare: ‘More Than Rollout Problem, It’s a Product Problem’
Congressman: ‘Obamacare is less popular than chlamydia’
The Architect of Obamacare Disaster Blames Fox News for Website's Failure [Vid]
The Obamacare Disaster Again Proves the Virtues of Federalism - The Constitution Knows Best
Kansas town's employees lose health care coverage due to Democrats' Obamacare
Maryland Delays Obamacare Small Business Exchange, Jeopardizes Tax Credits
A Noble Lie? Why Obamacare is worse than just a case of pathological altruism
WAPO: Obamacare is in much more trouble than it was one week ago
Why Obamacare is in ‘grave danger of collapse’
NBC: Democrats Obamacare Is In Big Trouble [Vid]
There Are More Than 100 Errors in the Obamacare Regulations
Good Fortune For Obama's Crony-Capitalists: At least one group of Americans loves Obamacare
CULTURE OF DEMOCRATS' CORRUPTION: WebMD pockets millions from feds to promote Obamacare
Vultures: MoveOn.org fundraises off Obamacare & Obama's failures
GOP senator says he will release a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare [Vid]
GOP Wisconsin governor proposes insurance plan to address Obamacare rollout failure
Numbers Aren’t Adding Up for Obamacare
Just 172 in New Mexico have completed Obamacare applications
Only 877 Wisconsinites have signed up for Obamacare, federal report says
Kansas Obamacare enrollment dwarfed by nearly 20,000 cancellations
Obamacare “Enrollment” Totals Don't Tell Us How Many People Have Actually Enrolled
Only 1% Of Massachusetts Cancellations Have Enrolled For Obamacare
Obamacare Shoppers: 106,185 – Sharknado Viewers: 1,000,000
Obamacare Officials Go Silent on Call When Asked When Spanish Language Site Will Be Up [Vid]
Felon Obamacare Navigators — What Could Go Wrong?
Feds select nonprofit with suspect background to carry out Obamacare
Mainstream media connection to Obamacare Navigator fraud videos
Senators Urge Administration to Hold-off on Obamacare Exemption For Union Cronies [Vid]
Controversial Ads Hide Obamacare Truth: It's Generational Theft
New Democrat Obamacare Ads Depict Women as Ditsy and Dumb
"...you will not be able to find an American-educated doctor in any of these exchange plans"
A Democratic Obamacare "Expert" Struts Her Stuff - seriously, this person needs counseling
For Florida’s Obamacare small business exchange, it’s crunch time
Let's Not Talk About Obamacare, Okay?: Democrats eager to change message
Obama Becoming a Punchline, but Obamacare Is No Joke
White House Refuses Seven Times To Answer What Their Obamacare Goal Is For Nov. 30 [Vid]