(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 15, 16, 17 & 18th: (download updated PDF)
Why Obamacare Is On Life Support
VP Biden: 'God Willing' Obamacare Website Gets Fixed
What Democrats, Liberals & Progressives Said Before the Train Wreck: The Top 10 Worst Quotes Pushing Obamacare [Vids]
Revealed: Senate Republicans tried to block Obamacare rule that caused millions of insurance cancellations...but EVERY Democrat voted to save it!
Obamacare flopped, fracking worked - More proof that federal government programs are least effective
Obamacare Architect: 'Could Be the Beginning of a Death Spiral' [Vid]
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Obamacare Hits 58 Percent Disapproval in Newest Poll
Obamacare: "Young voters oppose it 51 percent to 42 percent and Hispanics 50 percent to 44 percent"
Obama and His Gang That (Still) Isn't Shooting Straight
White House says Obamacare website will fail for 20 percent of Americans
The Most Shocking Obamacare Revelation: Obama Admitted Being Clueless
Suddenly, It's OK to Talk Obamacare Repeal
Senator Throws Obama, Her Fellow Democrat Senators Under the 'Obamacare' Bus [Vid]
Former White House Official: WH 'Absolutely' Cannot Afford Another Setback in Obamacare [Vid]
Congressman: 185 times more health plans canceled than selected on federal exchange
Obamacare: So, what could go wrong next?
Obamacare: More Democrat 'Uh-Oh's' Coming
NBC: Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises
House Democratic leaders won’t apologize for Obamacare promise
NBC: Pelosi: "Democrats Stand Tall in Support of the Affordable Care Act" [Vid]
27 Democratic senators who promised you could keep your health coverage
Democrat Howard Dean: Obamacare 'a Rube Goldberg Contraption' [Vid]
CBS: Democrats Starting to Abandon White House on Obamacare [Vid]
Another Senate Democrat Defects: Udall Proposes ‘Keep Your Plan’ Bill
Black House Democrat Blasts Obama: ‘Saying You’re Sorry Doesn’t Help Me Worth a Damn at the Polls’
House Democrat: Gives Obama F-Minus
House Democrat: I Haven’t Seen This Much Panic on the Floor Since 9/11 [Vid]
House Democrat: "I don’t know how he f***-ed this up so badly”
Democrats abandon Obama, House takes first step toward repeal
Flashback: Democrat Senator Said She Would Be 100% Accountable for Her Obamacare Vote [Vid]
For Democrats, Obamacare Unfolding Like a Greek Tragedy
The Insiders: For Democrats, dark days ahead
Obamacare's Problems Could Haunt Democrats for Years
Democrats' Grip on the Future Slips Away as Techies, Young Retch in Disgust
Flashback: Liberal Obama Stooge Issues An Edict: Obamacare's Going to Be Great!
If You Believe in Government, You Should Be Furious About Obamacare's Incompetent Rollout
Obama's Gift to the Republicans - per a prominent liberal
Why liberals are panicked about Obamacare
Obamacare's threat to liberalism
3 Lessons from Obamacare’s Failed Rollout
How Obamacare Will Affect All Americans
Insurance industry readied for Obamacare while Obama slept (& played a lot of golf)
After shifting blame to insurers, Obama may give them subsidies
Congressional Budget Office never scored Obamacare's insurer bailout program
Romney on CBS: ‘The Real Problem the President Has’ Isn’t a Website, ‘It’s Dishonesty’
Obamacare 'Sold on a Trinity of Lies' and Now Democrats Paying the Price
Four years ago, GOP showed exactly what was false about Obama's keep-your-coverage promise
A Lame Attempt to Blame GOP for Obamacare's Mess
Emails show officials warned of Obamacare website 'crash' months ago
Obama Misled Public About Number Of Uninsured, Too
Total Healthcare "Enrollment" As A Result Of Obamacare: -3.9 Million - that's a minus 3.9 mil...way to go Obamie!
Remember: $174K-Per-Year Congressmen Will Get Special Obamacare Subsidy
Congress and Obamacare: The Big Double Standard
Remember: The Democrats' & White House may exempt Big Labor from Obamacare reinsurance tax
Obama’s ACA (Obamacare) “Fix” Stuns DC, Nation
The President’s panic attack over Obamacare
Obama to Nation: If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan (At Least Until The Next Election)
NBC: Insurers, state officials say cancellation of health care policies just as they predicted
MSNBC: "C’mon, Obama has no power to make this Obamacare fix" [Vid]
Is the President's Obamacare Tweak Legal?
The backlash to the Obamacare fix has already started
Insurers are furious about the White House’s new Obamacare plan
Obamacare Is Whatever Obama Says It Is
Obamacare "Fix" Is An Attempt At Spaying Constitution
The Constitutionality of the Obamacare “Fix”
Democratic frustrations not fully mollified by Obamacare administrative fix
Here’s why Obama’s healthcare ‘fix’ was particularly painful for the left
Insurance Trade Association Blasts Obama Fix
House Democrat: Obama Lacks 'Legal Underpinning' for Obamacare Fix [Vid]
State insurers head: Obama fix could sink healthcare law
Counting this Obama "fix" - Twenty-Seven Obamacare Changes So Far
Obamacare Fix: Do You Believe Obama This Time? How About Now?
Obama's Fix: "G'head. Re-Enroll In Your Still-Illegal Health Plans. I Won't Prosecute. Trust Me."
Regulators 'unclear' on Obamacare fix plan
Illegality of Latest Obamacare “Fix”
Obamacare Fix as Bad as Obamacare Itself
D.C. insurance commissioner fired by Democrat mayor a day after questioning Obamacare fix
Kansas city loses insurance, not helped by Obamacare fix
New Hampshire Nightmare: Only 1 Insurer on Obamacare Exchange and 10 of 26 Hospitals Are Excluded
Obamacare Causing Sticker Shock For North Carolinians [Vid]
Lack Of Millennial Enrollees Threatens Obamacare
University Drops Student Health Insurance Due to Obamacare
Co-Eds Call Obamacare Ad 'Sleazy,' 'Creepy-Looking' [Vid]
Actual Obamacare 'Navigator' Fraud [Vid]
Potential of Obamacare 'Navigator' Fraud [Vid]
D.C.-Based Health Care Exchange May Have Engaged in Illegal Political Activity
Nation's Largest Healthcare Provider Cuts Thousands Of Doctors; Blames Obamacare
Wal-Mart Warns Obamacare Hurting Consumer Spending
Congressional Budget Office: Obamacare Will Push 7M Out of Employer-Based Plans
Colorado employers feeling the double-digit pain of Obamacare
N.C. Man Still Can't Delete Personal Information from HealthCare.gov
Watch Out America, 5 Million Canceled Policies Are Just the Beginning of Obamacare's Damage
President Obama’s Sargent Schultz Press Conference [Vid]
The beginning of the end for Barack Obama
Befuddled Central Planner in Chief Discovers Complexity Of Real Life
Obama in '08: My Weakness Is Being Messy, Disorganized [Vid]
Bush (Iraq War) Vs. Obama (Obamacare): Who ‘Lied’?
Obama-contra: Obamacare isn’t Katrina. It’s Iran-contra
Obama’s ‘5 Percent’ Con Job: It’s a 100 percent lie
Prosecute HealthCare.gov? For Fraud?
Consumer Fraud This Massive Should Bear Legal Ramifications
Fraud: To pass health plan, Obama and Democrats kept mum about its downsides
Obama Impeachment: Senator says it's up to the House
Obamacare Schadenfreudarama - the party is just beginning
Saturday-Night-Live: Makes Fun Of Obamacare and Obama [Vid]
Jimmy Fallon: Mocks Obamacare site [Vid]
Leno: Mocks Obamacare site & Harry Reid too [Vid]