(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source:Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From December 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10th: (Download updated PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Obamacare, where the liberal/progressive dream crashes and burns
Repealing Obamacare Would Be Easier Than Repealing Prohibition
GOP alternative to Obamacare would save nation $2.3 trillion
Tech Experts Say Obamacare Site Should Have Cost Only $10 million, not $300+ million
Obamacare Fallout: Survey says Democrats Are the Out-of-Touch Extremists
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Obamacare Fallout: X marks the spot
Obamacare Fallout: CEOs say Obamacare uncertainty is harming the economy
Obamacare Fallout: Will anyone lead the left out of the Obamacare fiasco?
Obamacare Fallout: Per Gallup, Majority Still Want Obamacare Repealed or Scaled Back
Obamacare Fallout: Obama’s approval takes huge dive among Hispanics says poll
Obamacare Fallout: South Carolina voting on bill to end Obamacare in state
Obamacare Fallout: Democrats Can't 'Talk Around' Failures of HealthCare.gov [Vid]
Obamacare Fallout: Young Americans Expect Obamacare to Be Repealed
Obamacare Fallout: How Obama Is Losing America’s Youth
Obamacare Fallout: Millennial ‘Invincibles’ Jump Ship over Obamacare Bait and Switch
Obamacare Fallout: Can Democrats Recover From the Obama Health Care Catastrophe?
Obamacare Fallout: The liberal/progressive Obama coalition is cracking
Obamacare Fallout: GOP Should Be Falling Over Themselves To Thank Obama & Democrats
Obamacare Fallout: Obama Health Care Is Costing Democrats the White Women They'll Need at the Ballot Box
Obamacare Fallout: The deck is stacked against Obamacare
As Hospital Prices Soar, a Stitch Tops $500 - govt regulation eliminates competition
Study: No, Obamacare isn’t yet responsible for the decline in healthcare cost growth
`Doc Shock' On Deck in Obamacare Wars
What about the president’s other Obamacare lies?
AIDS advocates say drug coverage in some ObamaCare plans is inadequate
Obama: I’m Not Incompetent, Government Is
Obamacare Displaces 'New Coke' as Pinnacle of Bad PR Crisis Management
Minnesota insurers still don’t know who’s enrolled in Obamacare
Why 'Invincibles' Are Repelled By Obamacare: "A Bad Deal for Young Adults"
Hawaii spends $200 million on health exchange and signs up 574 people - about $348,000 apiece
Obamacare Website's Latest Glitch: Unusable Medicaid Data
Lawyer stuck in Obamacare limbo for last two months
Obamacare Could Extinguish Volunteer Firefighters [Vid]
MSNBC: 'Obamacare' created by white racists
Only 101 members of Congress have enrolled in Obamacare
Obamacare doubles health care premium for small business owner [Vid]
Some Face Marriage Penalty In Obamacare Subsidies
State exchanges hitting data snags, too
Time Magazine: Obamacare bungles the easy stuff
Un Glitcho: Parts of the Spanish Obamacare Website Written in English
Obamacare Can't Work Because Young Figured Out It's Like a Ponzi [Vid]
The "Working" Obamacare site: Can it even meet modest enrollment goals?
Politico: Next up: Obamacare worst-case scenario?
Congress asks for help - faulty DC website delays Obamacare enrollment for members, staff
California Obamacare Site Facing Backlog of 25,000 Paper Applications
Will Obama Now Force Doctors To Take Medicaid Patients At A Loss?
Poll: Majority still opposed to Obamacare, despite site’s ‘vast improvement’
70% of Doctors boycotting California's Obamacare exchange
Obama administration elects health care video winner: Just ‘Forget about the price tag' of Obamacare
Nobody’s This Stupid and Incompetent (except Big Govt elites, eh?)
Obama's ‘You-Can-Keep-It' Farce In Cartoons
Jimmy Kimmel: Mocking Obamacare [Vid]
How Bad Is The Obamacare Process? Feds are being buried in paperwork
NYTs discovers Obamacare reality: Those bankrupting sky-high deductibles
"Obamacare the Biggest Case of Consumer Fraud Ever" [Vid]
MSNBC: ‘What are we doing’ to get administration’s Obamacare ‘message out there a little more’?
'A public safety disaster': Obamacare could force THOUSANDS of volunteer fire departments to close
Senator with No Dependents Hit with 200% Obamacare Hike
In Kentucky, "40 times as many people have lost insurance than have signed up for Obamacare" [Vid]
California Health Exchange Shares Consumer Data Without Consent
Obamacare’s Top 10 Constitutional Violations
Ruining Christmas Holidays with liberal/progressive gift idea bizarreness
Obamacare's State-Based Insurance Exchanges Are Also Producing Enrollment Errors
MSNBC: Failing Big-Time To Ask Obama Tough Questions About Obamacare
Democrat House Member: People Losing Their Insurance Under Obamacare ‘A Good Thing’ [Vid]
Huffington Post: Liberal admits Obamacare 'very much a Marxist-style law' [Vid]
Marketing 101: Obamacare is not a PR problem, it’s a marketing problem
The Cost of Obamacare: 'Is healthcare that costs $26,500 per year truly "insurance"?'
Michigan First Responders Facing Cuts In Hours Due To Democrats' Obamacare [Vid]
Jimmy Kimmel: "If NSA Can Track So Many Phones, Why Can’t the Government Run the Obamacare Website?" [Vid]
Surprise! Despite All the Promises By Obama & Other Democrats, the Federal Website Isn't Fixed
Latest Obamacare PR Push: Ignoring the "Affordable" In Affordable Health Care
Obamacare Propaganda: Obama's cynical exploitation of the gullible
Pennsylvania Couple Dropped From Health Coverage Still Unable to Sign Up for Obamacare [Vid]
More Than Obvious: Democrats' Obamacare 'Intentionally Designed to Screw over Young People' [Vid]
Obama Cronyism: Insurance companies get gift from Obamacare? [Vid]
Obama Cronyism: Even more corporate welfare goodies for the insurers
Obamacare’s Expansion of Medicaid and the inevitable downgrading of doctors and patient care quality
CNBC: Physician says Obamacare is causing 'chaos' for doctors
Obamacare Reg Puts 11,000 Congress with 11,000 in same category as a ‘Small Business’
Clueless Democrat: I Am Paying More For Insurance Under ObamaCare And It's A Good Thing [Vid]
Clueless Democrat: Dem chair hasn't signed up for Obamacare yet - "too busy"
CNN: Get Over It - ‘Every President Is Going To Lie To You’ [Vid]
CBS: Lingering And Significant Problem With Obamacare Remains
Uh-Oh: Obamacare Healthcare.gov Is Enrolling People At About 38% Of The Pace It Needs To
FOX: Listen to Obamacare B.S. excuses by Democrat Sen. Harry Reid [Vid]
The Obamacare Motto: “Good Enough For Government Work”
MIT: Diagnosis for Healthcare.gov: Unrealistic Technology Expectations by Obamacare
The Huffington Post: Nasty Surprise May Await People Who Thought They Enrolled In Obamacare
Expert Study Finds Chronically Ill Will Be Underinsured in Exchanges
Obamacare Taking Huge Bite Out of Holiday Budgets
The So-Called Obamacare Enrollment 'Surge' Still Nowhere Near Insurance Cancelations [Vid]
Obamacare will facilitate high levels of criminal activity
Bad Omen for Obamacare: Minnesota youth nowhere close to signing up in adequate numbers
Uh-Oh: Obamacare enrollment tops 175,000 in Washington state – mostly in Medicaid
Political analyst: Obama Admin Running an Obamacare ‘Propaganda Outfit’
Taxpayers Will Provide $11,378 In Welfare To Help Congressmen Pay For Their Obamacare Plan Options
Only 9% of Americans Say Obamacare Has Helped [Vid]
NY Docs Treating Obamacare Like The Plague - only 23% will accept patients who signed up
WaPo: HealthCare.gov is having trouble signing people up for Medicaid
Despite improvements, Obamacare website would still be a private sector failure
Nevada Refuses To Disclose To Consumers Whether Obamacare Navigators Are Felons