(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3 )
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From December 11, 12, 13 & 14th: (Download PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Democrats, liberals, progressives, lefties and greens truly believe that they and government bureaucrats know best how to control the energy sector and the world's climate. As the below headlines make abundantly clear though, their plans and policies of über government control can't even work in the less complex health care market.
NBC/WSJ Poll: Only 24% of America's Uninsured Think Obamacare Is A Good Idea
Letterman: Obama Can Take Funeral ‘Selfies’ But Can’t Get Obamacare Website Working [Vid]
Obamacare Fallout: Survey of Washington political insiders shows most Republicans and a near-majority of Democrats predicting a Republican Senate majority in 2014
Obamacare Fallout: Health Law Continues To Take A Toll On Obama's Approval Ratings
Politico: The Left's Reality Problem - the deceptions around Democrats' Obamacare are central
Obamacare Shocker: Richest 1% Get Best Health Care; Other 99% Not So Much [Vid]
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Democrats' rationing of quality medical care for seriously ill rears its ugly head for neurologist
Uh-Oh: No, you can't keep your drugs either under Obamacare
Hellooo.....Obamacare High Deductibles Fuel New Worries of Democrats' Health Law [Vid]
Why Are Quality Health Plans That Consumers Like Being Canceled By Obamacare?
Former CBO Director Warns That Obamacare's Worst Hits to Medicare Advantage Are Coming
Even The Left-Wing 'Politifact' Finally Admits The Obvious - Obamacare Is The 2013 Lie of Year
Did we say fiasco? Report: Less Than 15 Percent of Obamacare 'Enrollees' Are Actually Covered
Are More Democrat Obamacare Taxes Coming?... Soon?... You Betcha!
Obamacare Fallout: NY Times suggests Obamacare debacle could finally kill the 'tax & spend' liberal/progressive nightmare
Obamacare Fallout: Democrats Divided on How to Recover from Obamacare
Obamacare Fallout: Nearly half of CFOs plan to cut jobs over Obamacare
Obamacare Fallout: POLL - Obama Administration Not the ‘Most Transparent in History’
Obamacare Fallout: Americans & Obama discover he is exceptionally clueless
Obamacare Fallout: Obamacare Unites Americans—In Dismay at Government Suckage
Obamacare Fallout: Obamacare Launch Eroding Faith in Government as Problem Solver
Obamacare Fallout: Tired of the 'fiasco,' Democrats propose to kill budget deal by shutting down govt
Obamacare Fallout: Congressmen Want to Bring Obama to Court for Not Faithfully Executing Laws
One Very Clueless Democrat: GOP 'Will Run Away' From Obamacare in 2014 [Vid]
Did we say fiasco? The amazingly incompetent Sebelius Says She Would Have Delayed Obamacare Rollout - now she tell us
Obamacare Causing New Jersey Residents to Lose Health Plans [Vid]
Transparency? Obama administration won't disclose the Obamacare enrollment data that really matter
Sebelius: You’re Not Covered under Obamacare Until You Pay [Vid]
Oh, Hey, Just A Minor Detail: Almost NOBODY's Paid for Their New Insurance Yet
Administration Exaggerating Enrollment for Democrats' Benefit [Vid]
Washington Post Repeats The Democrats' Lies: Falsely Reports 365,000 'Have Purchased' Obamacare
Uh-Oh: Obama administration report shows Obamacare in deep hole on enrollments after two months
Obama Team Forced To Admit: ‘Correct’ That Obamacare Signups are Three Million Short of Goal [Vid]
Delaware Achieves Only 1.2 Percent of Obamacare Enrollment Goal
Taxpayers Have Spent $14K for Each Obamacare Enrollee So Far
Did we say fiasco? Congressional Staffers Warned Not to Trust Health Exchange Info
WSJ: Last-minute Obama administration rule orders insurers to pay for Obamacare's blunders
Will Obama's Crony-Insurers Bail Out Obamacare with Retroactive Enrollments?
The Obvious: Democrats Ordering Insurance Companies Around is 'Essentially Nationalizing Healthcare' [Vid]
Obamacare Causes Doctor To Lose Healthcare [Vid]
Why is doctor closing his medical practice? Hint: Obamacare costs & paperwork
NY Post: Uh-Oh - "We have yet to see the worst of Obamacare"
Obamacare forcing 14 percent cut in Medicare's home health care program
Another Democrats' Obamacare navigator fired for advising applicants to lie [Vid]
Obama Awards Another $58M for Obamacare Navigators
Know-nothing celebrities recruited by Democrats to lie to Americans about Obamacare
Obama Hires The "Sexiest Man Alive" to Promote the Faltering Obamacare Effort
It's Over 2 Months Now - Cancer Survivor Still Can’t Sign Up For Obamacare [Vid]
Man with Critically Ill Son Gives Up on Democrats' HealthCare.gov After More Than 50 Tries
Did we say fiasco? Oregon signs up just 44 people for Obamacare despite spending $300 million
Democrats' Extremism: Congress Member - Obamacare like Mandela’s fight against apartheid
Obamacare lover & Democrat extremist goes on shooting spree in Denver
Were The "Uninsured" Estimates Overblown by Obama and The Democrats? - Looks like it
Did we say fiasco? Small business owner and insurer problems with Obamacare [Vid]
House committee demanding answers on vulnerability of personal info on Obamacare sites
Obamacare marketplace violates federal privacy/security law?
Expert Hacker: Obamacare Security Problems Still Not Fixed [Vid]
Your Govt At Work: Connecticut Health Exchange Buys Three Murals for $24,980 Each
Ohio’s Volunteer Fire Fighters Are Threatened By Obamacare [Vid]
Missouri School District Hit With $150,000 Bill for Obamacare [Vid]
Democrats' Euphoria of Obamacare becomes nightmare of higher premiums and deductibles
There Is Justice, Though: Liberal Obama-Voting Elites Losing Health Coverage Due To Obamacare
The Unhealthy HealthCare.gov: ObamaCare site still plagued by problems despite fixes
Why Are Obamacare State-Exchange Directors Running Off to the Caribbean?
Where Does Obamacare Enrollment Stand In Each State?
Uh-Oh: Obamacare Medicaid enrollments outpace marketplace plans in Ohio
Obama's Medicare 'Doc Fix' Is Going To Be Disastrous For Seniors
Did we say fiasco? 'Vast Majority' of Exchange's Paper-Application Responses Still Not Mailed
Hellooo....Obamacare's Drug-Cost Surprises Lurk Inside The New Health Plans [Vid]
Democrats' Challenges in Avoiding Those Coming Obamacare Premium Hikes
NY Times: Perks Ease Way in Health Plans for Lawmakers
Nevada Union getting slammed by Obamacare costs [Vid]
Obama's 'Julia' Turns 26, Tries to Get Insurance on HealthCare.gov - good luck with that
Obamacare Week #10: A Dearth of Enrollment In the States and Continuing Backroom Problems
Yet Another Scam: An Obscure Rule Could Boost Obamacare Enrollment
Did we say fiasco? Federal Obamacare exchange sends unqualified people to Medicaid
Obama Team does not know how many pages of Obamacare regulations they've written -so far, it's 10,535 [Vid]
New Obamacare rules: ‘This now approaches banana republic lawlessness’