In a simply stunning admission, a major science journal that has long propagandized the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis has published an article that now supports the skeptics' position on CAGW.
=====>Short synopsis of skeptics' position: It's natural forces that dominate climate change, and the related global cooling/global warming of Earth, not human CO2.
Not only has this premier science journal now admitted to earthly forces being the root cause of climate change, they also admit to world temperatures stalling since 1998 - the 'stall' or 'hiatus' or 'pause' that skeptics have spoken of for the last decade.
In addition, a principal CAGW advocate-scientist, Dr. Kevin Trenberth, now admits that the hiatus is due to natural forces going back to 1998 when "Average global temperatures hit a record high...".
His previous lame excuse about the "stall" was that human CO2 was somehow hiding the "missing heat" (which has never been recorded) in the deep ocean. As the article now indicates, he and other of his 'RMS AGW-Titanic' alarmist shipmates are bailing on the anti-science of human CO2 emission causation, and are being forced to sound the alarm for general evacuation to the still-on-board faithful.
Why is this happening now? The unsinkable 'AGW-Titanic' was the design result of the IPCC's billion-dollar computer climate models, which simply ignored and/or discounted the natural forces that dominate climate, such as the PDO oscillations. Thus, these failed models were unable to explain (ie, predict) global temperatures since 1998, and the global warming prior to the late 1970s. This "scientific" embarassment has become unbearable to objectively support.
This graph from the journal's article clearly documents the PDO substantial effects on climate temperatures. Trenberth et al. are finally coming to their collective-science navigation senses - obviously, ignoring the ever present 'PDObergs' will eventually even sink the most arrogant of scientists.
A great summary of Nature's journal article about the can be found here, including hundreds of comments that are well worth the read. The original Nature article is here.
Finally, it is now readily apparent that CAGW skeptics have been correct regarding the significant impact of ocean oscillations/cycles. This confirmation is long overdue, especially for Bob Tisdale. His analysis of the oceans and their impact has been spot-on, and whose work Trenberth and his lifeboat comrades are currently and blatantly using to keep afloat, without, btw, providing any credit to Bob's huge outstanding efforts.
Source of sinking Titanic image embedded in the above graph. A cool Titanic infographic that is completely irrelevant to this article.