Americans won't soon forget this White House's exaggerations, and the anti-science lies by its EPA, regarding the "soon-to-be," "catastrophic" global warming, which, btw, never happened.
By constantly yelling 'fire' when none was is happening was is a sure bet to shredding one's credibility, no?
Then there is the whole Obama lifestyle that represents zilch sacrifice and obscene, anti-green opulence, reflecting an ugly face of gross hypocrisy.
Per one WUWT commenter:
Obama quote: ”Climate change is a fact. And when our children’s children look us in the eye…”
…they’ll wonder why a guy with a carbon footprint estimated at 41,000 tons, who sends his family and dogs off on separate flights for vacations in far off ritzy spots, who takes crosscountry flights to give 30 minute speeches, who keeps the White House at a toasty 77F, and who goes to the golf course every couple of weeks in a 17 vehicle motorcade has the cajones to lecture anyone."
As the recent Pew poll before it, this WSJ survey confirms the real disbelief that Americans have about "climate change" and their opinions about the said competence of this president.