Recently, the White House released their U.S. climate assessment report that was shockingly deceptive - contrary to NOAA's own empirical climate evidence that is widely available.
Many of the mainstream press outlets, acting as this administration's propaganda instruments, reported the deceptions as is, even sometimes enhanced with their own climate-doomsday embellishments.
The major deception of the climate report is the falsehood that accelerating U.S. and global warming is taking place due to human CO2 emissions.
It is important to note that the science journals, and even some mainstream media outlets, are actually reporting the facts that the globe's predicted, unequivocal warming has stalled for over 15+ years.
This is also true for the continental U.S. temperatures during the 21st century, though, with an obvious difference. As the adjacent chart reveals, the U.S. temperatures exhibit an actual cooling trend - actually opposite of the rapid, dangerous, "scorching" climate that the White House and some propagandists liars journalists report.
Based on moving 5-year averages of U.S. monthly temperature anomalies, America's continental climate is currently cooling at a minus 1.2°F per century rate.
It's just another case of 'those stubborn facts' being mighty inconvenient.
Note: Excel used to produce chart, averages and linear trend. NOAA temperature dataset used can be downloaded from this site.