Without doubt, when straight talking the Obama and EPA climate plan being pushed by the Democrats, the 'plan's' anti-science fundamentals, the global warming absurdities and anti-consumer harm it represents come to the forefront.....
Does the new Obama climate plan have any significant impact on global warming?
===> No...based on the known climate facts, if Obama's EPA plan was enacted immediately today, by 2030 (16 years from now) it would, at best, eliminate 555 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year for a total reduction of 8.8 giga-tonnes...the global temperature impact would be zero, as seen to the left.
Will the Democrats' climate plan raise energy prices for Americans, thus increasing the growing income inequality gap?
===> Yes...even the EPA estimates energy prices will increase by 6.5% due to this plan, while real-world experts estimate consumer wallet pain will increase by some $17 billion per year.
Will this zero-impact global warming initiative harm economic growth and increase the ranks of unemployed?
===> Yes...Obama's past economic policies have destroyed the middle-class job market...this proposed climate plan will now potentially eliminate another 224,000 jobs per year...this result is due to the EPA's desire to reduce coal CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030, which means that 19% of all electricity-producing capacity based on coal will have to be removed...and that represents a $50 billion negative impact on the U.S. economy, plus a huge number of jobs devastated.
Does the EPA climate plan actually stop the burning of coal worldwide and reduce total coal CO2 emissions?
===> Absolutely No...countries such as China and India will continue to build the already planned, new 1,200 coal-generation plants at a record pace, and BTW, at the same time U.S. coal producers will now export that low cost coal that Obama regulators have essentially banned in the U.S., plus the EU is proposing to finance future coal generation capacity.
Will U.S. reduction of coal CO2 emissions impact global "climate change" and severe weather events?
===> NO...As in the case of zero impact on global temperatures, this Democratic-mandated plan will do nothing in regards to climate change, per the climate experts.
Straight-Talk Conclusion: The Obama/Democrat climate plan will not influence the global climate, nor temperatures. Increased regulations, bureaucracy, unemployment and consumer wallet pain will be unequivocal and accelerating. It's all economic cost, no climate benefit and mucho consumer pain.
Note: The above 'C3' simple calculator is based on the empirical climate records published by both the prime UK and US climate research agencies. By using their estimates of human CO2 emissions and global temperature changes since 1850, it can be estimated, by simple arithmetic, how much each metric tonne of CO2 emissions changes global temperatures. This historical, long-term relationship can be used to provide rule-of-thumb estimates of future impacts.