A wall/ceiling poster for any 2014 GOP candidate's bedroom.
Before turning out the lights at night, remind yourself that tomorrow you will again hammer your Democrat opponent for being anti-American, anti-middle class, anti-cheap energy and anti free-market.
Remember, all Democrats have aligned themselves with extreme leftists, socialist and communists. If elected, your Democrat opponent will always vote with Obama, Pelosi and Harry Reid, who support the fringe extremist anti-U.S. rhetoric of unabomber-greens and progressives.
Point out that your Democratic opponent did not denounce the extremist language and propaganda of the NYC climate parade.
Hmm...how about this gem from a typical marching limousine-liberal Democrat to prove your point.
Remind your electorate that it is the wealthy, sanctimonious hypocrites of Hollywood and New York who want to imprison middle class Americans into an energy impoverished state, while they continue to flaunt their selfish, excessive CO2 lifestyles.
As they say, like shooting fish in a barrel.....
Source for poster pics: multiple Twitter tweets and PJ Media.
Note: Original poster mage was too large for Typepad. So, clicking on adjacent poster will go to 'Imgur'; then click on poster to see enlarged version (can be downloaded).