#tcot #gop #climate2014
This past week saw the announcement of the big (and bogus) climate "deal" that Obama and China struck.
We have plenty of stories here regarding that pile of B.S., which the White House easily got the mainstream press to spread.
But that story was pushed to the sidelines when it was revealed that the principal Obamacare architect had knowingly and proudly deceived Americans about Obamacare - to the point where he was caught on video boasting about sandbagging, as he called them, "stupid" Americans.
So as a result, a new term 'grubering' (or to 'gruber') has entered the global lexicon - and its root name is from the man pictured above, Jonathan Gruber.
As this despicable lefty elite reminded us, most politicians, academics, scientists, journalists and bureaucrats (the "elites) are pathological liars, besides being serial exaggerators. Their entire modus operandi appears predicated on a collective strategy of deception employed against taxpayers and the electorate.
And, as CAGW skeptics are well aware, this level of 'grubering' is part and parcel of the techniques used by proponents of the climate-doomsday dogma. The climate lies, deceptions, exaggerations and denigrations by climate alarmists are practiced on a daily basis.
With that said, again here are the rest of this past week's stories.