#tcot #gop #agw
Remember when those NASA/NOAA climate experts predicted a rapidly dangerous warming for Americans?...based on the last 15 years, coastal urban elites just might consider moving to fly-over-country where cooling rules...their dedication to the absurd beloved precautionary principle certainly seems to dictate this simple precaution.....
The well documented, accelerating growth of CO2 emissions has not produced the "expert" predicted warming across the globe, nor the contiguous U.S.
As this NOAA/NCDC regional climate map reveals, the vast majority of the continental U.S. has not warmed for the last 15 calendar years.
Specifically, for the entire continental U.S, the 2000-2014 calendar span has seen a -2.7°F/century cooling while 7 of the 9 climate regions had cooling or temperature trend stability.
However, there are two regions of the U.S. that have experienced warming trends - on the east and west coasts.
It is highly doubtful that global CO2 emissions would only affect these two geographic areas and not "global warm" the rest of the country. Objectively, it's more likely that there are other micro-regional climatic and human factors involved for the specific coastal state warmings.
Additional regional and global temperature charts.
Source for U.S. temperature regional temperature trends.