Western European elites have earned a reputation as not being the brightest bulbs on planet Earth. For most Americans, that was confirmed when in 2009 the Nobel committee awarded newly-elected President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize - prior to even a single accomplishment.
As always seems to happen, the elites of Europe have finally come to their rational senses, again recognizing that emotional childish infatuations neither make-the-man nor deliver good policies.
Case in point: After years of the failed Obama policies, the Germans, who have this unfortunate tendency to become infatuated with leaders of questionable qualities, now list Obama as the 5th worst Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
That's right, one of the worst ever.
Good news for Obama, though. Germans now believe those climate-doomsday cult proponents, Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri, rank as the 3rd worst recipients.
Gore, former V.P. of the U.S., and Pachauri, former chief of the UN's IPCC committee, once cult darlings, are being dismissed as irrelevant. And these two have been instrumental in making sure that the general public no longer is enamored with the doomsday anti-CO2 rhetoric. In fact, Germans are now burning even more dirty coal to meet their energy needs.
So, here's one to ponder: In order to get back in the EU elites' good graces, will Obama order a drone strike on the Gore/Pachauri clown-duo at the Paris COP21 climate conference?
Note: Source of Obama and drone image.