Climate doomsday is just around the corner, or so they claim, and the left/liberal/progressive forces in academia just want U.S. science teachers to stop teaching otherwise...or else!
As discussed in this article (source of image also), there seems to be a large percentage of classroom teachers who actually discuss and teach both the anti-science of the politically correct doomsday-cult, as well as the objective empirical-based climate science (that would be sans the Ouija board of simulated catastrophes).
Essentially, they teach two sides of the debate, despite all the empirical evidence completely countering the catastrophic claims of ivory tower, green alarmists.
Most lukewarmers and CAGW skeptics should be rightfully upset that so many science teachers are unable to determine factual evidence from the unsupported claims of very speculative, non-validated guesstimates. And yet, at the same time, be happy that so many American teachers can think for themselves and challenge the young minds with open debate - Bravo!
With that said, the article points out some obvious truths and advice that those PC doomsday-embracing teachers might try to wrap their brains around in order to minimize the fear and alarm they may be causing students in the classroom.
"The way climate change should be communicated is this: 100% of scientists agree that climate changes. Almost all (99%) agree that our planet has warmed 1C since 1880, for example. Almost all (97% or even more) agree that humans can affect the climate and that our effects have contributed to the warming we have seen since 1945. Two-thirds (66%) believe our contribution has been significant – half or more of the current warming. There is no consensus on some of the most important issues involved in assessing human-caused climate change, including atmospheric sensitivity, the most important factor. There is little agreement on what the impacts of the warming will be, how much warming we will experience due to our actions or what actions we should take to change the course of the climate trajectory." |
And, we will add this: There is zero understanding as to how to stop the natural occurring climate cycles, shifts and changes, which influence the global temperatures, produce the severe weather, and harm agriculture output even more than any human impacts (besides ElNino/LaNina and reoccurring monsoons, think the Little Ice Age, Medieval Warming and other major climatic swings that have and will happen again).
Names of academia authors who seem to be proposing that science censorship (or specific favored propaganda?) be forced on grade, middle and high school teachers: Eric Plutzer, Mark McCaffrey, A. Lee Hannah, Joshua Rosenau, Minda Berbeco, Ann H. Reid.
Maybe these ivory tower, incredible lame-brains might try explaining to the science teachers, or even the prestigious "science" journals, how it is possible to stop the continuous natural climate change or those pesky major cyclical climate patterns.