For some reason, the U.S. mainstream media, as represented by the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, Associated Press, MSNBC, and CNN, is not inclined to report on the ugliness, hate, intimidation, censorship, and violence that comes from the mouths of Democrat politicians, new media personalities, entertainment celebrities, or academia.
Editors note: Source of this article's image, plus many more.
The below listing is this past week's contribution to incivility by numerous liberal/progressive/left voices. (No need to read each article...simply scroll through the headlines to get a sense of the vitriol, hate, and craziness.)
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed’
WaPo: ‘Send Her Back’ Chant Was ‘Fire Of Racial Animus’ Within Trump’s Base
What the Media Won't Tell You About the 'Send Her Back' Chant
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Republicans Have ‘Embraced the Racial Ideology of David Duke’
Whenever Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib calls Republicans crazy, remember to watch this video
FACEBOOK Bans Violent Threats… Except the Violent Threats Against Conservatives...
CNN's Cuomo: 'Make America Great Again' Means 'Make America Hate Again'
MSNBC’s Deutsch Warns Liberals: 'Be Afraid', Trump Voters Want White Supremacist Dictator
Watch CNN Panel Gush Over 'The Squad,' Bash Trump as a 'Racist'
Documenting The World of Liberal/Progressive Hate, Divisiveness, & Incitement
Tacoma ICE Fire-Bomb Attacker Urges Leftists to Ignore Laws, Arm Themselves
It's not fair asking Democratic contenders to take a position on policy
Illiberal Liberalism | Democrat Liberals No Longer Believe In Civil Debate
The 'Squad' Won't Condemn Antifa Terrorism....WHERE Are The Media?
Newest Liberal / Maoist Hysteria : Chris Pratt's 'Don't Tread On Me' Shirt Has White Supremacy Ties
Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar After Trump Twitter Attack: ‘It’s Time for Us to Impeach This President’
Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley Goes On Racially Tinged, Homophobic Rant at Netroots Nation
Media Rushes to Defend Pelosi, Blame Trump For Speaker’s Violation of House Rules
New York Times's Pro-Communist Bias Stretches to the Moon and Back
Democrats Start Petition To BAN Trump Rallies
MSNBC: Trump’s Immigration Policies Prove He’s Racist
Democrat Rep. Omar: “[Trump is] unapologetically racist. And, if you support him, so are you.”
We TOLD You So: CBS's Norah O’Donnell’s ‘Evening News’ Debut Becomes Trump Hatefest
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Hates Nazi-Like Trump Fans at ‘Nuremberg Rally’
5 Things House Democrats Are Ignoring in Favor of Condemnation, Impeachment, & Contempt
Politico: Tipping Has ‘Racist Past,’ So Raise The Minimum Wage
Facebook-Sponsored Panel: ‘I Don’t Believe in Free Speech’
Twitter Censors Texas Governor Abbott Over ‘Blue Angels’ Tweet
Google Shopping Sells Antifa ‘Riot F**k Cops’ Merchandise
CNN's Tapper, Brinkley Compare Trump to 'Demagogues' Like Huey Long and George Wallace
MSNBC Unhinged: ‘Nazi’ Trump Supporters Engage in ‘Ethnic Cleansing Politically’
Mocks CNN, MSNBC for 1,100 Uses of 'Racist' in Two Days on Trump
REMINDER: Lib blue-checks had no issue using the #DeportMelania hashtag
Terry McAuliffe says that racists and white nationalists like Trump have no place in Virginia
CNN Slimes Trump as Responsible for Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
Anti-Trump Political Correctness: Miss Michigan Has Title Revoked Over 'Insensitive' Politics
Forget 'Punch a Nazi,' Get Ready for 'Shove a Priest' | Faith
AOC says calling people 'communist' has a 'rich history' in 'white supremacy
'How the Left Turned Words Into 'Violence,' and Violence Into 'Justice'
Huh? NYT: Apollo Space Program Guilty of ‘Gender Bias’ Against Women
Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says
MSNBC keeps lying, saying the socialist "squad" is not socialist
Democrat Nancy Pelosi on illegal immigrants in 2008: “...we certainly don't want any more coming in”
CNN Wants Poor People to Pay High Prices...
@NRDC Now it’s toilet paper causing ‘climate change’
CNN's Jake Tapper slammed for giving white nationalist Richard Spencer airtime during his program
NBC Uses Moon Landing to Wail About ‘Earth Burning Up From Abuse and Neglect’
CNN's Camerota Wrongly Claims Illegal Immigrant Tried to Enter 'Legally'
MSNBC's Maxwell: 'Brown' Kids in Cages Proves Trump's 'Racism'
CBS Evening News Ends First Week Defending Omar, Using Covert Libs to Bash ‘Anti-Immigrant’ GOP
WashPost Spills Some Serious Ink Bashing Trump as Racist, Defending the Squad
NY Times: Abortions ‘Unapologetically’ on TV ‘at Record Levels’
The Times’ obscene attacks on the Apollo program
Networks Cheer Democratic Rep. Omar Getting ‘Hero’s Welcome’ From Left-Wing Supporters
'View' Blames Trump for Democrat Scandals: Like ‘Ebola’ His ‘‘Fascism’ Is ‘Catching’
Rich with irony: Staffers of Senator ‘Do As I Mandate, Not As I Do’ demand $15 an hour
Abortion: What Univision Says in English, But Hides in Spanish
MSNBC Boosts Warren’s Wall Street Attack, Ignores ‘Vampires’ Insult
On Fox, Levin RIPS Media on Anti-Semitism and 'The Squad', WashPost Tries to Rebut
2020 Candidates Keep Ignoring The Same Big Issue
Journalist Who Promoted ‘Somali Positivity’ Killed In Terrorist Attack
Democrat Rep. Omar Stonewalling Hometown Paper On Marriage Controversy, Editor Says
New York Times Article Praises Soviet Union For Diversity In Losing Space Race
Why Won't the UN Say What Really Reduces Poverty?
No, I Won't Stand With Ilhan Omar ... EVER
So woke: Elizabeth Warren has added her preferred pronouns to her Twitter bio
More MSM Lies: His Entire Family Is Left-Wing But CNN's Cuomo Laughably Denies He's 'On the Left'
Helping Hand: CNN’s Erin Burnett Gives Sanders Rep Tips on Spinning
MSNBC: Clueless Andrea Mitchell Claims Left-Wing ‘Squad’ Not Socialist
This Proves What? NBC/MSNBC Hype Video of Trump and Epstein at 1992 Party
NY Times Still Hides ‘Abortion,' Even as Planned Parenthood Prez Dumped for Downgrading It
Survey: Most Mexicans Agree With Trump's Immigration Concerns
NYT's Friedman: Democrats Are Setting Trump Up For Re-Election
Michelle Obama: Obama Presidency Had 'No Scandal'
MSNBC: ‘God Bless Democrat Rep. Omar Tonight, Because She Is a Hero in the American Lexicon’
Students Say Obama Immigration Quote Is Racist… When They Think It’s From Trump
Tucker Carlson - Climate Change Wasn't About the Environment At All
POLL: ICE More Popular Than Any Member Of Freshman Democrat ‘Squad’
Kamala Harris’s Medicare for All Plan Makes No Sense
Democrat Rep. Omar Calls President Trump A Fascist
Jim Acosta’s defense of Ilhan Omar is actually worse than many realize
Priorities! Berkeley city council makes town more inclusive by renaming manhole covers (and more)
‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: Women Treated as ‘Vessels’ for Babies
Nasty Samantha Bee Comedy 'The Detour' Continues to Mock Christians
ABC Freak Out: Trump 'Running Race-Based Campaign... Redefining Who Gets to be an American’
Booker, Biden Leave Far-Left Anti-Israel Activists Fuming
Biden: No POTUS Has Been as 'Openly Racist and Divisive' as Trump
Biden echoes maligned Obama quote: 'If you like your health care plan … you can keep it'
SURPRISE: Biden Echoes Obama's Most Famous Lie
Biden’s Healthcare Plan Would Make Roe Federal Law and Repeal Hyde
Biden Challenges Trump to a Push-Up Contest on MSNBC
Biden says if Trump challenges his mental state he'll challenge him to a push-up contest
"Green" Joe Biden Spent $250,000 on Private Jet Travel in Second Quarter
Rand Paul: Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar deserves 'rebuke over trying to say we have a rotten country’
"It’s my opinion they hate our country. And that’s not good. It’s not acceptable."
Ilhan Omar Proves President Trump's Point When She Refuses To Say She Does Not Support al Qaeda
Calls Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley's comments at Netroots Nation 'racist'
Democrats' demonization of U.S. Border Patrol agents is downright shameful.
Trump is misleading the American public about how unpopular AOC is, she says.
Freshman Dems are radical and extreme with a troubling history
‘You suck at journalism’: NowThis News rushes to defend Ilhan Omar, says Trump brought it up
Cue Resistance head explosions! Guess how today’s House vote to impeach Trump turned out
‘Great reporting’! Salon has figured out why ‘Republicans will never say that racism is ‘racism”
Snide British Celeb Mocks All the ‘Bigotry' in U.S., 'Evil' Cheney
CNN Guest Calls Trump Racist, Bigoted, Fascist Dictator; Hosts Don't Rebut
SJWs Terminate Planned Parenthood President: ‘S**t Has Been Crazy’
AXIOS Takes Trump Racism to Next Level: It's 'Premeditated' 2020 'Madness'!
Google Expert to Senator Cruz: 15 Million 2020 Votes At Risk
'View' Praises 'Historic' Dem Move Rebuking Trump's 'Tyranny': Just Like Boston Tea Party!
NY Times Front Extols Genocidal Chairman Mao for ‘Greater Rights’ for China's Women
CNN's Sciutto Shames GOP Senator for Calling The Squad 'Whack Jobs'
Hawley Slams Google: ‘Happy to Censor’ for China
Univision Promotes ‘Weapons’ Against ICE Raids
Of Course They Did: CBS, NBC Bury SDNY Ending Trump Probe on Hush Money Payments
MSNBC's Matthews: Omar's Anti-Semitic Comments Only an 'Aspect' of Her Views
Media Still Trying to Foist Climate Change Ideology Onto Trump
Media Gives Itself Permission to Put Opinion on News Pages With Trump Tweets
Tucker: Pete Buttigieg Claiming He’s a Victim of Racism Is ‘Greatest Story of the Year’
MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: GOP’s Silence Is Doing as Much Damage as Trump’s Conduct
Google VP on Censoring PragerU Video About the Ten Commandments
Sen. Harris Struggles to Explain How to Pay for Her Gov’t Takeover of Health Care
‘Robbing women of opportunities’: Fury after transgender NZ weightlifter wins double gold
Bernie Sanders thanks newly indicted singer for her support
Super-hot take: ‘Communist’ is just coded language for the N-word; ‘Let’s be real’
‘Are you kidding me!?’ Hey, who’s up for a lecture on ‘true patriotism’ from Ilhan Omar? [video]
Journalism! Yahoo fans the flames of nonexistent outrage over Chris Pratt’s Gadsden Flag t-shirt
Report: Ousted Planned Parenthood president refused to use trans-inclusive language
Elizabeth Warren has a temper tantrum after trying to shame Defense Secretary nominee Mark Esper
CNN's Camerota Counsels Dems: Time to Come Up with 'New Name' for 'Socialist'
WashPost: Sexual Morality a ‘Red Flag’ for ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant
'View' Rages: Trump ‘Squelching' Patriotic 'Dissent’; ‘Going to Jail’ for Epstein, Mueller
Howard Kurtz Scolds Media Treating Trump Racist Label as Fact
CBS Guest Won’t Call Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitic
Soros-backed Group Throws Fit Over Senator ‘Weaponizing Anti-Semitism’ Against Anti-Semites
CNN's John King Compares 'the Squad' to the Boston Tea Party
2019 Emmy Nominations: Leftwing, Trump-Hating Propaganda Scores Big
Rachel Maddow Bows Deeply in Honor of Ilhan Omar As She Calls Trump Worst President Ever
Liberal Wolf Blitzer: Voting to Condemn Trump’s ‘Racism...Shouldn’t Be a Partisan Issue’
Matthews: Republicans Are 'P.O.W.'s Under President Trump'
ABC, NBC Return to the Well to Urge on Dems Against Trump’s ‘Racist Tweets’
WaPo Publishes Five Stories Condemning Trump’s ‘Squad’ Tweetstorm
NY Times Reporting Shows Clear Bias Against Trump Asylum Policies
Trump: Democrats Want Open Borders, They Don’t Mind Crime, Drugs and Human Trafficking
Kamala Harris took money from firm behind Jeffrey Epstein plea deal
Kirsten Gillibrand: I've 'experienced enormous amounts of white privilege'
Kamala Harris Pushes to Bypass Congress via Executive Gun Control
Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans oppose DC statehood
CNN Hits Amazon, Online Shoppers With Eco Guilt-Trip on Prime Day
Joe Biden to Run on Obamacare, Repeats Lie About Keeping Your Plan
Biden Refuses to Apologize for Obama-Era Deportations
Democrat Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Private Sector Hospitals Must Be Banned
ABC's George Stephanopoulos said he regrets dining with Jeffrey Epstein
Eat Popcorn As Democrats Eat Themselves
WATCH: "You cannot tell a woman of color what she experienced.You have no idea..."
Hundreds of California government workers earn more than $500,000 a year
Far-left Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) on Trump: “I will always refer to him as the occupant”
Illegal Alien in Sanctuary City Charged with Sexually Assaulting 6-Year-Old
Does California need a math tutor? Report finds students aren’t so great with numbers
Leftist Go Crazy About American Flag.... Or Something
Google walkout leader Meredith Whittaker leaves company following claims of retaliation
Comrade Democrat Rep. Pressley: Think Like Like Your Group...
UT Austin to give free tuition to low-income students...and illegal immigrants
Singer-Songwriter Janelle Monae EXPLODES At GOP, Pelosi Over Trump Tweets
ABC’s Bruce Wonders to Far-Left Dems If Trump’s Tweets Have Put Their Lives in Danger
MSNBC's Matthews Goes Off on Trump's Tweets: He's 'Flagrant in His Racial Messaging'
ABC Tees Off on Trump’s ‘Racist Tweets’ While NBC Gets Owned by CBP Officer
If you agreed with President Trump’s tweets, you’re a racist and Joe Biden is ashamed of you
Writer in hot water for calling transgender athletes ruining women’s sports ‘men’
Molten-hot take: Trump sends his racist tweets from the White House, which was built by slaves
Democrat Rep. Omar Questions the Patriotism of American-Born Citizens
Democrat Rep. Omar Refuses to Condemn al Qaeda: ‘Beyond Time to Ask Muslims to Condemn Terrorists’
Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Refuses to Condemn the Antifa Attack on ICE Facility
Former Obama Faith Adviser Warns That Voters Are Not Aligned With 2020 Dems On Abortion
ICE Released List Of Illegal Immigrants Accused Of Crimes After Local Police Ignored Detainers
Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 'I Have Benefited Because of My Whiteness'
Democrat Ayanna Pressley: No More 'Black Faces That Don’t Want to Be a Black Voice'
Hollywood Erupts over Trump's ‘Go Back’ Tweet: 'Sick Sad Excuse for a Human Being'
Andrew Gillum Using Private Nonprofit to ‘Flip Florida Blue’ by Registering 1 Million Voters
Maxine Waters on Trump Tweet: 'The President Is an Illegitimate Racist Occupying the White House'
Influential Democrat: Why Is Our Party Supporting Criminal Illegal Aliens?
Radical Jews Weaponize Holocaust Against 'Concentration Camps' at U.S. Border
AOC: Trump's 'Go Back' Tweet 'Hallmark Language of White Supremacists'
Tech Billionaire: FBI, CIA Must Investigate 'Treasonous' Google
Kamala Harris: Trump's Tweet ‘Absolutely Racist and Un-American’
Reza Aslan: Colleges Should Have Rules on Who Can't Speak on Campus
'Killing Free Speech' Documentary Exposes Far-Left Propaganda in Schools
Progressives Assault Donald Trump's 'Legal Wall' Rule Against Migrants
Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr Pleads with Congress to Call Trump Out for 'Racist' Comments
CNN's Brian Stelter Lost over 40% of Viewers This Year
Schumer: No POTUS Has Resorted to Bigotry as Often as Trump - His Tweets 'Drip with Racism'
Booker: Trump 'Fanning the Flames of Racial Violence'
Members of 'Squad' Hit Democrat Leadership, Trump, America at Netroots Nation