We've been hoping that at some point Democrats and the liberals/progressives in Hollywood and journalism would come to their senses.
As the below headlines indicate, no such luck this past week as they continue to ratchet up the insanity and craziness. (image source)
Democrats: The Crazy Chronicles
Democrat Candidate Beto O’Rourke: I’ll Revoke Tax Exempt Status from Religious Organizations
Democrat: Anti-Semite Candidate For Congress Rakes it In
Democrat Billionaire Tom Steyer: The World Might End if Republicans Win in 2020
Democrat Beto on His Gun Confiscation Plan: ‘Has To Be Consequences,’ Officers Will ‘Visit’
Hollywood's Bill Maher: GOP Doesn't 'Believe in Democracy,' FNC Hosts are 'A**-Lickers'
In September, Democrat-Controlled House Passed Bill with 'Quid Pro Quo' on Election Interference
Playing Politics: House Democrats Holding Off on Vote to Authorize Impeachment Inquiry
The Democrats' Incredible, Vanishing 'Whistleblower'
CNN Demands to Know How 2020 Democrats Will 'Stop' Pro-Life States
Democrat Candidate Beto: Trump’s Stand on Immigration Is Just Like the Third Reich’s
Muslim-Democrat Rep. Omar Funnels 30 Percent of Campaign Cash to Alleged Boyfriend's Firm
No, Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren Will Not Tell You Whether Your Taxes Will Go Up
Progressive/Liberal Vegan Woman Reports Pals to Police for Making Her Eat Chicken Nuggets
Slams San Francisco’s Travel Ban for Pro-Life States: "Progressive/Liberal cancel culture is dumb"
Fake News CNN Rages at Media-Killing Meme, But Raved Over Trump-Killing 'Masterpiece'
‘Start Your Day With Maximum Gay:’ Kellogg’s Launches LGBT Cereal
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