How do you identify a really stupid person?
Simple. If they advocate for or support "green" renewable energy over natural gas or nuclear power generation, you then know stuck-on-stupid is what you are dealing with.
Recent articles continue to document the renewable green energy fiasco that politicians and bureaucrats have implemented, much to the detriment of ordinary people.
Due to solar and wind inherent inefficiencies and lack of being reliable 24/7/365 sources of power, they are very expensive despite the claims of 'free.'
For example, this recent article about Germany, whose leaders decided that a major percentage of energy should be sourced from "affordable" green energy. Instead, they now have some of the highest electricity prices in the world, all due to stupid politicians believing the ludicrous claims regarding "cheap" solar and wind.
As this chart reveals, countries with the highest commitment to solar and wind have the highest electricity prices - definitely not good for residential living or commercial/industrial activities.
And much to the chagrin of the establishment elites, polls keep revealing that consumers are not willing to pay the higher costs associated with renewable energy solutions to battle "climate change." Even the gung-ho Brits are unwilling to pay the costs.
Now combine the pain of higher electricity costs that customers are feeling in their wallets with the massive tax subsidies necessary to keep the renewable energy prices from absolutely sky rocketing, and it becomes crystal clear that "green" energy initiatives are not economically sustainable.
And when the government subsidies are withdrawn, the solar/wind investments collapse.
Then there is the increasingly significant issue of green energy unreliability that consumers are now experiencing.
Finally, does an aggressive national commitment to wind/solar and other renewables come close to producing the wonderful claims from green energy advocates?
In a word, NOPE.
Back to the beginning of this article: Stupid is as stupid does, which in the case of green energy proponents is fairly obvious.