Government funded science (and climate change science) is awash in falsehoods that are constantly being propagandized to the detriment of the public. There is even a weekly publication that exposes the latest fake science that has mislead and misinformed.
Unfortunately, this growing fakery is being found across just about every governmental institution. The result has severely damaged the credibility and trustworthiness of all, whether implicated or not.
The latest example is the expose of the cornucopia of FBI's actions/errors that mislead the all-important FISA court, as documented by the DOJ IG Horowitz.
Below, WSJ journalist Kimberley Strassel lays out the damning information in an epic Twitter thread regarding the FBI's 'Russia, Russia, Russia' investigative corruption.
The source for all these tweets can be found here.
At this point in time, why anyone would trust any of the mainstream establishment institutions beggars belief.
As skeptics have exposed in the climate science arena, institutional claims cannot be trusted, which necessitates their being checked at least in a triple fashion, if not more.
And as anti-Trump debacle is proving, our skepticism should extend to all claiming authority and/or moral superiority. Lesson learned: they're all incessant, remorseless liars.
Note: The DOJ was unable to establish the FBI motive for significantly misleading the FISA court, yet. There was no smoking gun email, text message or voice recording that the IG discovered in the course of his investigation. On the overhand, the DOJ's Durham investigation of potential criminal activities will likely be better positioned to find such motivation since Durham has both subpoena and grand jury powers that the IG lacked.