Amazingly, the impact has been zilch on each continent's and hemisphere's hottest and coldest temperature extremes.
Based on the doomsday hysteria, one would expect every continent to be reaching an unprecedented, new extreme hot temperature record every single year.
But alas, per the empirical records through the end of 2019, there has been no individual continental 'hottest' temperature record surpassed since 1982 - maybe matched since then, but not surpassed.
Way back in 1982, the continent of Antarctica set a new hottest record temperature of +67.2°F.
And the world's 1913 single hottest temperature ever of 134.0°F has yet to be broken or even matched.
As far as the 'coldest' temperature record, the last time a new record was set took place during 1983, again on the continent of Antarctica. That 1983 coldest low reached a -128.6°F.
So, after another decade of hysterical screaming by doomsday alarmists about "unprecedented" warming, the experts confirm - using empirical evidence - that the world is not "burning up" due to the hundreds of billions of tonnes of 'evil' fossil fuel CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere. Nor has all that CO2 caused even lower extremes of cold temperatures.
It's another case of those stubborn facts debunking the very fake narrative of a climate change doomsday existential threat.
Note: Global temperature extremes by geological continent can be located here and here. (The WMO lists both Israel and Greenland as part of Europe, which is purely a political decision, not based on the actual geology of continents. Geologically, Greenland is part of the North American continent and Israel sits on the western portion of the Asian continent.)