As the chart suggests, there are a large number of states that dealt with the Covid pandemic in a manner that caused excessive deaths.
Once the coronavirus pandemic has finally passed, a federal commission should be established to investigate those state government politicians and health bureaucrats that completely failed their citizens during this crisis. The total ineptness shown by some state officials should be identified, named and shamed.
At a minimum, one would hope that the constituents of the states that became needless Covid killing grounds should vote responsible politicians and their associated party out of office.
This is doubly true since many of the same states and politicians allowed their major cities to be looted and burned-out during the recent BLM riots.
Click on chart to enlarge.
Notes: The death data plotted on adjacent chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and state population figures used to calculate the deaths per 100K is from Wikipedia. Why April 5 date? Out of convenience - that was the very first date that 'C3' had calculated the death/100k figure for all states, plus D.C.