It's no mystery that NOAA over the many years has reported to policymakers and politicians that temperature changes in the U.S. are a potential problem.
And it's no mystery that the establishment politicos and policymakers have turned that warning into claims that we face an existential threat to life - as we know it - within 9 years.
But does the NOAA climate evidence for the U.S., in regards to changes in U.S. temperatures, support the existential threat claims?
Well, actually it doesn't.
Because in order to establish that there is even a hint of climate doom that we are facing, the actual temperature changes reported by NOAA should at least resemble the hyperbole about the climate's supposed dangerous global warming changes.
The above chart plots the actual 12-month changes of the maximum monthly temperature dataset across the continental U.S. since January 1965. In addition, it depicts the annual increase in the cumulative human CO2 emissions released over the same time span.
As can be seen, there is no systematic temperature change pattern evident that even produces a 'hint' of an existential threat.
Yes, temperature change in the U.S. has increased at certain points but as the three-year moving average (blue curve) reveals, that increase always reverts to a decrease - a natural return to the mean, so to speak.
So, after 56+ years that experienced a gigantic cumulative global release of CO2 emissions that is close to 1.3 trillion metric tonnes, the hypothetical CO2-induced global warming that would cause a climate doomsday remains a wild exaggeration, without any empirical merit.
With the above no-doomsday factual data in mind, what type of empirical evidence of temperature change would cause one to conclude that the empirical evidence resembles the hysterical claims of a potential existential threat? Below is a plot of hypothetically very small, but growing, 12-month temperature changes that are applied to every single month of the January 1965 to February 2021 dataset.
Result? An obvious, consistent pattern worthy of the legitimate concern: "Houston, we have a problem" with the climate.
Since climate reality does not exhibit this pattern, any hyperbolic claims by NOAA (and NASA) climate "scientists" and the establishment elites are nothing more than climate-porn lies designed to generate public fear.
Ahhh... 'those stubborn scientific facts' continue to be the nemesis of the establishment narrative.
Additional temperature charts.
Notes: Indeed, global and US temps have increased since the Little Ice Age, but the amount and pattern of temp change does not exhibit an existential threat from CO2 emissions. Cumulative CO2 data include an estimate for 2020 global emissions. Excel used to: convert Fahrenheit to Celsius; calculate and plot 12-month temperature changes, 36-month average; to calculate/plot cumulative CO2 emissions.