Biden and the Democrats' newest legislation is chockful of handouts for their green energy cronies donors that will have a "significant" impact on global warming, or so say the Democrats.
But when this legislation is analyzed by experts, using the UN's own climate models, the CO2 emission reductions will only - in a best case scenario - reduce total global temperatures an immeasurable 0.0002°C by the year 2100 (77 years from now); and, the more likely worst case scenario will reduce global temps by a ludicrously small amount - 0.000006°C.
This column chart plots these expected temperature reductions on a per year basis versus actual per year temperature changes for recent periods, including the per year change over the last 77 years.
And for even all the politicians who refuse to do the due diligence of analyzing their own legislation - and instead rely on bogus claims from lobbyists - it should be wildly obvious that their giveaways of taxpayer monies for "green" energy efforts will do zilch for the climate.
Unfortunately, this gigantic flush of $400 billion in taxpayer monies for such a miniscule real return on climate change is only the beginning for the Democrat climate cult.
This article points out that the crazies need at least 1,200,000,000,000,000 in taxpayer dollars or ONE QUADRILLION TWO HUNDRED TRILLION DOLLARS in order to be on a very speculative path to their utopian climate. That amount is 13 times larger than the entire global GDP.
Crazy Democrat climate-cultists, anyone?