The World Economic Forum (WEF) is at the spear's tip for pushing climate change emergency and doomsday propaganda. It's not hyperbole to suggest the WEF's own hyperbole is off the charts in its attempt to frighten people, especially the young.
But the good news is that the empirical evidence simply debunks the WEF false claims when needed context is added.
Yes, the world is warming since the end of the Little Ice Age, but at a rather unalarming, non-doomsday rate (see 20-year global average line on chart).
Significantly, the large increases in CO2 emissions has had little impact over the long haul on the global absolute temperatures.
And to put that 20-year global average in context, the chart includes the annual average temperatures for both the warmest country and warmest U.S. state; plus, the coolest country and U.S. state.
The modestly increasing 20-year global average is well within the temperature ranges -from Canada to Mali - that the vast majority of humans inhabit, comfortably.
The fear that warm temperatures are unusual or threatening to humanity just does not comport with the reality of the actual climate empirical evidence.
And as for anecdotal evidence, the WEF (and its cohort of global warming alarmists) just finished carousing at the COP27's climate scarefest in Bali, one of the very warmest and most beautiful regions of the world. Bali's annual average temperature is only a little below the world's warmest climate of Mali (see chart), which itself has a climate some some 14°C above the moving 20-year global average.
Importantly, context matters if one is to avoid becoming a victim of debilitating anti-science fearmongering.
Additional global temperature charts.
Note: Excel was used to calculate both the moving 20-year temperature averages and cumulative CO2 increases. Dataset sources: Hadcrut5 global monthly temperature and NOAA CO2 data.