The CAGW hypothesis calls for a rapid acceleration of global warming from human CO2 emissions, which is not taking place, based on the empirical evidence observed in 'Part#1' of the article series.
The hypothesis also calls for the temperature changes to become of greater magnitude due to positive feedback mechanisms initiated by the higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
However, that is not taking place either.
As this scatter plot reveals, over the last 30 years there is zero relationship - R2 equals +0.003 - between atmospheric CO2 levels and subsequent 12-month temperature anomaly changes.
Note that the regression is negative instead of the predicted positive feedback result, which could be interpreted as CO2 increases causing smaller-magnitude temperature changes
Which leads us to the following: If the magnitude of global temperature increases is not associated with the growth of atmospheric CO2 levels from fossil fuel combustion, then claiming these emissions are causing a runaway climate warming, doomsday scenario, tipping-point is truly without serious scientific merit.
What, me worry?: Part1, Part2, & Part3. Additional historical, global and regional temperature charts.
Notes: Excel used for all calculations and plots. Sources: Global temp anomalies & CO2 levels.