A global warming doomsday scenario requires a state of continuous, rapid acceleration of warming that has exponential traits. If that is not taking place, then there is no worry about an existing doomsday crisis/emergency.
Climate reality: There is no continuous, rapid acceleration. The satellite empirical evidence reveals climate trends switch back and forth from acceleration to deceleration over a wide range of periods, despite the large increases in atmospheric CO2 levels.
And as the time spans get longer in length, the warming temperature resolves to a small linear trend of warming that is, let's say, light-years distant from being an existential climate threat or a doomsday scenario.
And the correlation between warming trends and increasing levels of CO2? Insignificant. The top chart has a r2 of 0.0008; the bottom r2 is at 0.025.
Additional global and regional charts.
Notes: Excel used for all plots & calculations. R-squareds between trends and CO2 levels increases calculated using the average (black curve) of the rolling trends for each chart. Calculations based on entire satellite dataset that starts with December 1978. CO2 plot represents monthly cumulative increase in the atmosphere levels since December 1978. Source of monthly UAH satellite temps; source of monthly CO2 (ppm) levels. Since August 1, 2014 thru June 2023, the satellites confirm a zero warming trend - 8.9 years at zero.