In their effort to persuade the public that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels are broiling the planet, UN chief, Antonio Guterres, and his globaltarian comrades spread a narrative of fringe climate porn, such as ClimateBreakdown, ClimateChaos, or GlobalBoiling.
However, they are all ignoring actual scientific empirical evidence that powerfully contradicts this narrative propaganda.
Importantly, throughout the past 8+ years, climate expert projections and their climate models of the global warming trend have been grievously inaccurate. This incredible inaccuracy is hidden from the public by the UN, by the government-funded scientists, and by the mainstream legacy press.
Chart #1 compares the actual slight cooling of the world with the one predicted by "expert" climate scenario models.
(The chart's RCP8.5 scenario model results (red curve) are publicized by those spreading climate change disaster propaganda, and unfortunately, often used by real policymakers.)
Significantly, this 8+ year comparison clarifies just how inaccurate climate models can be when challenged by real-world climate observations.
The inaccuracy stems from the fact that climate models are based on the primary belief that CO2 emissions, from the combustion of fossil fuels, are the major force that produces global warming, which leads to "dangerous" climate change.
Thus, the climate models' dependency on CO2 - a trace greenhouse gas - is spectacularly evident when examining correlations, such as that depicted in chart #2.
The RCP8.5 scenario's model temperature anomaly variation is almost entirely explained (R2 = 0.8698) by the increase in atmospheric CO2.
However, when the same correlation analysis is done with NOAA's real-world temperature anomalies, a much different result emerges.
Chart #3's scatter plot has an R2 of 0.0000, which strongly indicates real climate temperatures are divorced from the additional CO2 being added to the atmosphere.
Yet, regardless of the above climate empirical facts, the UN chief and others continue to push the anti-science belief that every single molecule of the CO2 greenhouse gas causes more global warming.
And the result of this official CO2 fear-mongering propaganda is the situation where a vocal activist minority truly believes there exists a global #ClimateCrisis; a #ClimateEmergency; a #ClimateBreakdown; a #GlobalBoiling; #ClimateChaos; or even an #ExistentialThreat. (These Twitter 'X' hashtags confirm a wide range of CO2 paranoia, fringe fears, exaggerations and wild claims that are being generated from the official UN PR narrative.)
Additional global and regional temp charts.
Note: Excel used for all calculations and plotting. Source of NOAA monthly global temperature anomalies. Source for CMIP5 RCP8.5 model anomalies. Source for CO2 monthly data. The correlation scatter plots x-axis represents the rolling 12-month total CO2 ppm growth, starting with the 12-month's growth prior to January 2015.