Based on this video, there are serious issues to overcome if EVs are ever to become the majority of the U.S. auto fleet.
Key points from video:
- The electric grid is not equipped to handle the increased power demand from electric vehicle charging stations and intermittent renewable energy sources.
- The National Electric Reliability Corporation and Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioners have expressed concerns about the Biden administration's push for electrification.
- Technical issues related to electric vehicles must be addressed before the grid can effectively support millions of electric cars and trucks.
- The proposed regulations, including the requirement for carbon capture and storage technology, may lead to the closure of a significant portion of the nation's fossil fuel power plants.
- The early retirement of dispatchable power plants raises concerns about the reliability of the grid.
- The United States would need to significantly increase its production of renewable energy to compensate for the loss of capacity from coal and natural gas facilities.
- The Biden administration's goal of having a large number of new electric vehicles on the road within the next decade will require more electricity than the American electric grid is currently capable of providing.
- There is a lack of preparation to overcome the physical, technical, and financial challenges associated with implementing the Biden administration's climate-friendly policies. (source of information)