Below is a list of peer reviewed studies of climate history. This is not an all inclusive list, it's only a subset. (Last updated by 'C3' on March 24, 2014)
Ten Millennia of Pacific Ocean Heat Content and Temperature
Experts Rebut IPCC on Its Analysis of Medieval Warm Period
Medieval Droughts of Northern Europe and Beyond
A Review of Mid- to Late-Holocene Climate Change
A Global Temperature History of the Past Two Millennia
A 2000-Year History of Atmospheric Methyl Chloride
The "Terminal Classic Collapse" of Mayan Civilization
The Medieval Warm Period in Western North America
Analysis of The Medieval Warm Period
Temperature Reconstructions of the Past Millennium
Solar-Powered Millennial-Scale Climatic Change
Climate Models Inch Towards Acknowledging the Reality of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age
Earth's Temperature History: Putting the 20th Century in Proper Perspective
A 1200-Year History of Total Solar Irradiance
Debilitating Drought and the Classic Mayan Collapse
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Russia and Elsewhere
The Climate of the Past Millennium
A 1,000-Year History of Sunspot Numbers
Past Climate History Evidence: Scientist Wally Broecker
Solar Variability and Climate Change
Six Thousand Heat Flow Measurements Can't Be Wrong
The Natural Variability of Climate
Earth's Climatic History: The Last 1,000 Years
2000 Years of Extra-Tropical Northern Hemispheric Temperatures
Chipping Away at the Hockeystick
A Two-Thousand-Year Temperature History of the Extra-Tropical Northern Hemisphere
Fifteen Hundred Years of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
Mann and Company Still Malign the Medieval Warm Period
A Second Review of Drought in Morocco
Climatic Implications of Antarctic Ice-Core Sulfate Profiles of the Past Millennium
Northern Hemisphere Temperatures of the Past Two Millennia
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age: Their Untimely Demise and Welcome Resurrection
Extraordinary Warmth in the 20th Century?
Millennial Cycling of Climate in West Africa During the Holocene
A Second Review of Drought in Morocco
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Western Equatorial Africa
Millennial-Scale Climate Variability in Southern Africa
More Evidence for the Medieval Warm Period in Africa
A Three-Thousand Year Record of South African Temperatures
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Southern Africa: Archaeological Evidence
A Hot Time in the Medieval Warm Period in Africa
A New Record of Late Holocene Climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
The MWP and LIA in the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica
The Medieval Warm Period on the Antarctic Peninsula
Rapid Ice Loss on the Antarctic Peninsula
The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
A 2000-Year History of Atmospheric Methyl Chloride
The Medieval and Roman Warm Periods in Antarctica
Climatic Implications of Antarctic Ice-Core Sulfate Profiles of the Past Millennium
A Millennial-Scale Climatic Oscillation in the Southern Ocean
Mid-Holocene Ice Shelf Retreat
Sediment Record of the Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula
Simultaneous Little Ice Age Glacial Advances in Europe and Antarctica
Roman and Medieval Warmth in the Arctic Atlantic Region
Tree-Ring Width vs. Tree-Ring Maximum Latewood Density
Three Thousand Years of Climate Change in Central Iceland
Greenland Temperatures of the Past Millennium Based on Nitrogen and Argon Isotopic Ratios
The Medieval Warm Period in Greenland
The Medieval Warm Period in Southern Greenland
The MWP and LIA in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
A Holocene Sediment Record from Northeast Greenland
A Millennial Thermal History of Lower Murray Lake, Canada
The Medieval Warm Period in Svalbard, Norway
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age off North Iceland
Temperature History of the Taimyr Peninsula
The Medieval Warm Period in Fennoscandia
20th Century Warmth in Northern Swedish Lapland
The "Good Old Days" of Little Ice Age Climate Instability
Late-Holocene Sea Surface Temperatures of the North Icelandic Shelf
The Medieval Warm Period in Greenland
A 1240-Year Record of Arctic Temperatures
A 2500-Year Temperature History of the Northern Tibetan Plateau
Two Millennia of Climate Change on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
The Medieval Warm Period in Northeast China
Hot Times on the Tibetan Plateau
A Summary of Climate Change over the Past Millennium in China
The Case for a Global Medieval Warm Period Grows Ever Stronger
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Arid Central Asia
Two Millennia of Temperature and Precipitation Changes in Arid Central Asia
Tree-Trunk Tombs Tell Tales of Temperatures Past
A Millennium of Reconstructed and Simulated Temperatures for Eastern China
The Medieval Warm Period in China's Tarim Basin
An Eighteen-Hundred-Year Climate Record from China
The Northeast Tibetan Plateau's Medieval Warm Period
Mid-Holocene and Medieval Warm Period Temperatures in China
The Permafrost History of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Precipitation and Temperature on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: AD 850-2002
The Millennial-Scale Oscillation of Climate in the Qinghai-Tibetan Region of China
Millennial-Scale Climate Cycling in North-Central China
Another Record of Asian Monsoon Variability
The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in Inner Mongolia
The Temperature History of Eastern China Over the Past Two Millennia
The Millennial-Scale Oscillation of Climate in Inner Mongolia
The Paleosalinity-Based Climate Record of the Past Millennium at Qinghai Lake, China
The Medieval Warm Period in Southern Tibet
A 2000-Year Temperature Record of a Second "Big Chunk of China"
A 2000-Year Temperature Record of a Big Chunk of China
Millennial-Scale Oscillation of Climate Recorded at Beijing
Climate Cycles in China as Revealed by a Stalagmite from Buddha Cave
A New Temperature History from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Tropical South China
Two Thousand Years of Chinese Climate
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in China
Rapid Climate Change in China: A Common Occurrence
Six Thousand Years of Chinese Climate
Late Holocene Climate on the Korean Peninsula
The Medieval Warm Period (and Little Ice Age) in Coastal Syria
Millennial Cycling of Climate in Northeast Japan
Buried Peat Layers in a Japanese Subalpine Snowpatch Grassland
The Medieval Warm Period in Kyoto, Japan
The Medieval Warm Period in the Karakorum Mountains of Northern Pakistan
The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods at Paradise Lake, Northwestern Himalaya
A 1300-Year Record of Climate Change in Northern India
A Late-Holocene Palaeoclimate Record from the Higher Himalaya of India
Two Millennia of Japanese Temperature Fluctuations
Evidence for a Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Central Japan
A Pair of Two-Millennia-Long Climatic Records
Five 2000-Year Temperature Records from the Tibetan Plateau
Little Ice Age Famines of Japan
A 1300-Year Climatic History of Western Central Asia
Climate Change At the Source of the Holy Ganga
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age: Their Untimely Demise and Welcome Resurrection
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in the Eastern Mediterranean
Two Thousand Years of Dust Deposition in the Aral Sea
A Holocene History of Changes in Northern Russian Treelines
Late Holocene Climatic History: Southeastern Shelf of the Laptev Sea
An 800-Year Temperature History of Southern Siberia
Tree-Line Evidence for the Medieval Warm Period in the Polar Ural Mountains
A 1500-Year Climate History of Northern Eurasia
Climate Variability of Central Asia
Large-Scale Treeline Advances in the Circumpolar Northern Hemisphere
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Russia and Elsewhere
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age: Their Untimely Demise and Welcome Resurrection
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Russia
Medieval Climate on the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Extraordinary Warmth in the 20th Century?
4000-Year δ18O Histories of New Zealand's North and South Islands
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in New Zealand
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in New Zealand: Stalagmite Evidence
The Medieval and Roman Warm Periods in the Western Swiss Alps
The Broad View of Holocene Climate from the Swedish Scandes
The Work of Umberto Monterin (1937) on the MWP & LIA in Italy
A Novel Proxy for Continental Mean Annual Air Temperature
The Late Medieval Warm Period at Switzerland's Seebergsee
Northern Scandinavian Summer Temperatures of the Past Two Millennia
Chipping Away at the Hockeystick
Twelve Hundred Years of Winter Surface Air Temperatures in Svalbard and Northern Norway
Warmth and Peace in the Roman Classical Period
Eight Centuries of Climate Change in Northeast Spain
A 2000-Year Temperature History of the Mountainous West Eifel Volcanic Field of Germany
Millennial Climate Variability Along the Coast of the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula
The World's Oscillatory Climate as Experienced in Northern Iberia
The Medieval Warm Period at Lake Joux, Swiss Jura Mountains
Nine Centuries of Warm-Season Temperatures in West-Central Scandinavia
The Medieval Climate of the Atlantic Coast of France
Using Magnetism to Study the Medieval Warm Period
The Medieval Warm Period at Lake Silvaplana in Switzerland
The Medieval and Roman Warm Periods in Southeast Italy
Two and a Half Millennia of Fram Strait Sea-Surface Temperatures
Fifteen Hundred Years of Climatic Oscillations in Southern Poland
The Medieval Warm Period in Northwest Lithuania
Summer Temperatures in the Northern French Alps
The Climatic History of the European North Atlantic Seaboard
Climate History of Northern Europe During the Late Holocene
Two Thousand Years of Icelandic Climate
Medieval Droughts of Northern Europe and Beyond
The Roman, Medieval and Current Warm Periods in the Northwestern Italian Alps
A "New-and-Improved" 1500-Year North Fennoscandian Summer Temperature History
Prior Warm Periods at Austria's Lake Oberer Landschitzsee
A Holocene History of Changes in Northern Russian Treelines
Sea Surface Temperatures off the Coast of North Iceland
A Millennium of Environmental Change in the Baltic Sea
The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods in the Southern Austrian Alps
Millennial Cycling of Climate on the Iberian Peninsula
Sea-Surface Temperatures of the North Icelandic Shelf
A Record of Millennial-Scale Climate Variability from Northernmost Europe
9000 Years of Central European Winter Temperatures
Surface and Bottom Water Temperatures of the North Atlantic Current off the Coast of Europe
A 2000-Year Record of Solar Forcing of Climate in Finland
A 1250-Year History of Summer Temperature in the European Alps
Holocene History of Glacial Activity in the Swiss Alps
Rhone River Flood Deposits in Lake Le Bourget
Climatic Fluctuations Recorded in a Southeastern France Coastal Lagoon
A 1500-Year Climate History of Northern Eurasia
3500 Years of West-Central European Climate History
Late Holocene Climate Fluctuations in the Eastern Mediterranean
Reconstructing Summer Temperatures in Central Europe
A Pair of Two-Millennia-Long Climatic Records
The Return of Blue Mussels to Svalbard
Late Holocene Glacial Variations in Italy
The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods in Spain
3600 Years of Scandinavian Summer Temperature Variability
A Climate History of the Northwestern Mediterranean Region
The Medieval Warm Period in the Central Alps of Austria
A Multi-Proxy Approach to Peat-Based Climate Reconstruction
Climate and Marine Fishing in Medieval Europe
The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods in Georgia
The Medieval and Roman Warm Periods in Scandinavia
A 1500-Year Climate History of the Carpathian Basin
Looking For Hockeysticks in Central Sweden …
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age on the Faroe Islands
The Medieval Warm Period on Russia's Kola Peninsula
A 500-Year Temperature History of a Site on the North Coast of Sicily
The Medieval Warm Period in Finland
Cyclical Climate Change in Iberia
Three Thousand Years of Climate Over the Norwegian Sea
The Climate History of the Holocene as Recorded in German Stalagmites
Human Impacts of Climate Change in Northwest Europe
Climate History of the Southeastern Barents Sea
Remains of Midges Have Climate Tale to Tell ... If We Can Learn Their Language
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Ireland
The Medieval Warm Period in Western Norway
Medieval Climate on the Kola Peninsula, Russia
A Hot Time in the Medieval Southwestern Baltic Sea
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in the Czech Republic: Borehole Evidence
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Switzerland
A Two-Millennia Temperature History of the Southwestern Corner of Canada's Yukon Territory
A 4000-Year History of Greenland Surface Temperature
The Uniqueness of British Columbia's Medieval Warm Period
Temperatures of the Past Six Millennia in Alaska
Late Holocene Water Balance in the Experimental Lakes Area of Canada
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age on Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada
Advances and Retreats of Alaska's Tebenkof Glacier
A Millennium of Climate Change in Western Canada
The Medieval Warm Period in Canada's Columbia Icefield
A Late Holocene Fire History of East-Central Alberta, Canada
Climatic Implications of an Eastern Canadian Boreal Forest Fire History
A Millennial Thermal History of Lower Murray Lake, Canada
Century-Long Warm and Cold Periods of the Past 2000 Years in Southern Alaska
The Medieval Warm Period on Canada's Victoria Island
A 7200-Year Climate Record of Canada's Boothia Peninsula
A 5000-Year History of Ocean and Climate Conditions Along Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Medieval vs. Current Warm Period: Iceberg Lake, Alaska
Canada's Kootenay Valley on the Path to Returning to Medieval Warm Period Conditions
Medieval Drought in the USA's Central Great Plains
A Thousand-Year Temperature History of Northwest Alaska
A Thousand-Year Temperature History from the Canadian Rockies
Chesapeake Bay, USA: A 2200-Year Temperature History
A 2000-Year History of Climate Change in Alaska
Idaho Forest Fire-Climate Connection: A Testament to the Magnitude of the Medieval Warm Period?
Was There a 15th-Century "Little" Medieval Warm Period?
Of Mayas and Vikings … and Millennial-Scale Climatic Oscillations
Moisture Regimes of the Northern Prairies of North America
A 4000-Year Record of Climate Change in Southern Alberta, Canada
The "Good Old Days" of Little Ice Age Climate Instability
Solar Forcing of Little Ice Age Climate
Alaskan Glaciers Advance and Retreat with Changes in Holocene Climate
Unprecedented Warmth in Northern Québec?
A 1300-Year History of West-Central Mexican Cloud Forest Climate
Climate and Fire in Sonoran Grassland and Desert Scrub
Characterizing the Mayan Terminal Classic Period
The Medieval Warm Period in Southeastern Mexico
The "Terminal Classic Collapse" of Mayan Civilization
Fifteen Hundred Years of Climate Change in Central Mexico
The Medieval Warm Period in the Gulf of California
Late-Holocene Drought on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
Late-Holocene Moisture Conditions of the Central Mexican Highlands
The Medieval Warm Period in Panama
The MWP at the Tivoli North Bay of New York's Hudson Estuary
North American Mega-Droughts and Global Mega-Warming
Climate and Beavers in Yellowstone National Park (USA)
An Environmental History of Yellowstone National Park
Holocene Climatic Change in the North American Great Plains
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in San Francisco Bay
Perfect Droughts of Southern California (USA)
The Paleoclimate of the USA's San Francisco Bay Watershed
Holocene Floods and Climate of Northeastern Utah, USA
1400 Years of Climate Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
Droughts, Megadroughts and No-Analogue Megadroughts
The Medieval Warm Period in Western North America
Native Americans and the Medieval Warm Period
A 900-Year Record of δ18O Data from the Western Pacific's California Current
The Medieval Warm Period in the Eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA
A Precipitation History of the Southwestern United States
The Medieval Warm Period in Western North America
The Paleoenvironment of Petaluma Marsh, Northern California, USA
Medieval Drought in the USA's Central Great Plains
Chesapeake Bay, USA: A 2200-Year Temperature History
Oyster Shells Reveal Climatic History of U.S. Atlantic Coast
Western U.S. Drought-Climate Connection: A Testament to the Magnitude of the Medieval Warm Period?
Idaho Forest Fire-Climate Connection: A Testament to the Magnitude of the Medieval Warm Period?
A 1200-Year History of Aridity in the Western United States
Moisture Regimes of the Northern Prairies of North America
A 2300-Year History of Climate and Water Quality Changes in Chesapeake Bay
More Evidence for Millennial-Scale Climate Oscillations
A Thousand-Year History of Chesapeake Bay Climate
The Medieval Warm Period in Northern Chile
A Two-Millennia Record of the South American Summer Monsoon
A Millennial-Scale Climatic Oscillation in Southern Chile
The Medieval Warm Period in Southeast Uruguay ... and Beyond
The Medieval Warm Period in Southern South America
A 2300-Year History of the South American Summer Monsoon
A 1600-Year Temperature History of Tropical South America
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Northern Patagonia
Summer Temperatures of Central Chile Back to AD 850
Climatic Conditions in the Fjord Area of Southern Chile
The Atacama Desert During the Medieval Warm Period
The Cariaco Basin's Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period
The Medieval Warm Period in the Tropical Andes of South America
The Medieval Warm Period in Southern Patagonia, Argentina
More Problems for the Mann et al. Temperature Record
The Medieval Warm Period in Tierra del Fuego
North Atlantic Record of Cyclic Climate Change Replicated Near Cuzco, Peru
Of Mayas and Vikings ... and Millennial-Scale Climatic Oscillations
A 4000-year Pollen History from Peru
Millennial-Scale Climatic Oscillations in Central Chile
A 1000-Year SST History of the NE Atlantic and Nordic Seas
The Medieval Warm Period on Maui
Six Millennia of North Atlantic Temperatures at Reykjanes Ridge
Sea Surface Temperatures of the Southern Okinawa Trough
The MWP, LIA and CWP on the North Icelandic Shelf
The Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea
Late-Holocene Climate of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
A 2000-Year Temperature History of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Surface Temperatures of the East China Sea
1400 Years of Climate Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Late Holocene Variability of Florida Current Surface Density
The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age on the Faroe Islands
The Little Ice Age in the Arabian Sea
Our Oscillating Climate: A Natural Phenomenon
A Hot Time in the Medieval Southwestern Baltic Sea