Joe 'Basement' Biden is the tip of the propaganda spear when it comes to stupidity and the pathetic anti-science hysteria being pushed by the 'Karens' of the world.
The most dangerous and contagious aspect of the Covid-19 is the viral fearmongering emanating from the bullhorn of MSM and major social media sites.
And millions of supposedly "smart" and educated Americans have swallowed the proverbial hook-line-sinker of the propaganda bait.
Yet, over the last three days we've learned what the objective empirical data and science is now confirming what the skeptical, anti-hysteria scientists and medical professionals have been stating:
Literally, W.H.O. and the CDC have inconveniently debunked the major liberal/left narratives that have caused some 8 months of unprecedented catastrophic pain for most Americans who are not in the top 5% of economic/wealth privilege.
Instead of continuing to push the anti-science mandated policies that are found to be of questionable effectiveness in stopping Covid transmission and deaths - but have been certainly devastating in their societal impact on the quality of life - Democrats and liberals need to start embracing informed policy choices based on actual evidence and the real science.
Maybe it's time for left-of-center Americans to finally break their addiction to the 24/7/365 fearmongering and hysteria of CNN and MSNBC and instead start reading what the top epidemiologists are finding, reporting, and suggesting as policies - targeted, precise pandemic measures.
October 12, 2020 at 05:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thirty short slideshow videos that reveal stories and issues the mainstream media would like everyone to forget. They do so by totally ignoring the story or downplaying the issues that does not fit their MSM Biden-Harris narrative.
Combined with the actions of Big-Tech social media sites, the censorship is massive.
It's a constant case of gaslighting the masses in the buildup to the November 3, 2020 election, influenced by a palpable partisan bias and their absurd Trump Derangement Syndrome.
These censorship efforts continue to be a gigantic, horrible disservice to the American public and has become an evil election interference/malfeasance that is multiple times greater in comparison to the Chinese and Russian election influence machinations.
(Videos below the fold)
October 11, 2020 at 09:53 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
August 29, 2020 at 02:52 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
As the chart suggests, there are a large number of states that dealt with the Covid pandemic in a manner that caused excessive deaths.
Once the coronavirus pandemic has finally passed, a federal commission should be established to investigate those state government politicians and health bureaucrats that completely failed their citizens during this crisis. The total ineptness shown by some state officials should be identified, named and shamed.
At a minimum, one would hope that the constituents of the states that became needless Covid killing grounds should vote responsible politicians and their associated party out of office.
This is doubly true since many of the same states and politicians allowed their major cities to be looted and burned-out during the recent BLM riots.
Click on chart to enlarge.
Notes: The death data plotted on adjacent chart is from the Covid Tracking Project and state population figures used to calculate the deaths per 100K is from Wikipedia. Why April 5 date? Out of convenience - that was the very first date that 'C3' had calculated the death/100k figure for all states, plus D.C.
June 16, 2020 at 03:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Bad: At least as of May 5, 2020, the following states have proven to be rather inept in their containment of the lethal novel coronavirus: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Louisiana, District of Columbia, Michigan, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, Delaware, and Indiana.
These will be known as the 'Dirty 13' states.
The Ugly: Plus, a number of the above states have revealed themselves to be smitten with authoritarian dictatorial powers that is leading to unnecessary incitement of the populace.
Coronavirus health policy mismanagement and Venezuela-style totalitarianism is not a real good combination look for any state in America.
The Good: It should be noted that those states that never enacted stay-at-home orders have some very envious results with lower than expected per capita deaths. Our supposed "experts" essentially predicted that the opposite would happen.
And those states that have already let their stay-at-home polices expire, either in late April or early May, have relatively good results when compared to the per capita deaths experienced in the 'Dirty 13' states.
Colorado is the only state with a Democrat governor that has decided to let its stay-at-home order expire. At 14.8 deaths per 100K, it is the closest to the 'Dirty 13.'
But that 14.8 translates into a living statistic of 99,985.2 per 100K. Thus, anyone currently living in that state has a hypothetical 99.985% chance of not subcumming to the CoronaCCPvirus.
In order for America's economy to survive and for getting people back to their prior quality of life standard, any state with a per capita death rate less than 20.0/100K ought to seriously consider ending their stay-at-home policy and get on with a 99.985% or better chance of life.
Note: May 5, 2020 deaths for each state were from this source.
May 06, 2020 at 11:34 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Below is the full list of U.S. states, and a large sample of European countries and territories, ranked by the number of coronavirus deaths per 100 thousand. The dataset for this table was pulled from, including the populations to calculate the deaths per 100k. (Data as of mid-afternoon April 23.)
As can be seen, quite a few U.S. states have achieved a low death count ranking, with many doing a better job than European counterparts.
At the bottom of the table, those countries and states that achieved a worse ranking than the overall position of the U.S. are highlighted in green and blue colors.
Note that every single U.S. state (and D.C.) at the bottom (highlighted in blue) are states with Democrat governors with major metropolitan centers controlled by Democrat mayors. As this evidence would suggest, inept polices by Democrat politicians have serious consequences for quality of life, especially during emergency periods.
When examining the U.S data more closely, there are 38 states that have less than 10 deaths per 100k (as of April 23, 2020). The average for those 38 states comes in at 3.7 deaths per 100k, which is quite respectable compared to many of the larger European countries.
April 24, 2020 at 10:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (3)
Are U.S. weekly total deaths increasing due to coronavirus? The answer is that they are doing the opposite since the peak of the flu season, which may surprise a lot of people
Weekly U.S. flu deaths are also showing a decline after this season's flu peak
And weekly pneumonia deaths were also on the decline from the flu peak. But in the very last week on the chart they jumped significantly.
One reason for this outcome may be the result of coronavirus infection deaths also being coded with associated pneumonia. Or actual COVID-19 deaths being inaccurately labeled as pneumonia deaths.
These mortality statistics are heavily revised each week by the CDC as more complete information is submitted to CDC by the states.
The adjacent chart is a plot of this dataset from the U.S. CDC. Click on chart to enlarge.
(The very latest week of statistics was not included in the chart since it included a datapoint of only 27,500 total deaths for the week - that would be a record extreme low since 2013.)
The adjacent chart is a plot of dataset from this CDC website page.
April 20, 2020 at 01:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Do the facts regarding the COVID-19 virus support the claim that Trump is responsible for excess virus infections and deaths in the U.S.?
Not in the least.
The claims are a mere combination of political lies and self-serving propaganda, per the empirical evidence, as of the morning of April 19, 2020 from
Using the coronavirus and population data from that site, the adjacent table was constructed to identify the documented death and case characteristics for the 15 well established Western European countries versus the U.S.
While each individual country is much smaller than the U.S., the total of the 15 countries is similar in population size to that of America.
When the aggregate of European deaths and cases are compared to the U.S. totals, it is readily apparent that the overall results lean slightly in Trump's favor.
And that result is also seen in the per capita comparisons.
If Trump is to be held to perfect 20/20 hindsight by his critics, then that hindsight should be applied in a relative manner regarding the performance of the Western European country core.
As with every major issue that has confronted the nation over 3+ years, the never-ending obsession and hatred of Trump, by both Democrat and press elites, has completely derailed any chance of a rational and constructive collaboration on COVID-19 solutions.
Americans are suffering terribly at this time. History will show that the Democrats and the MSM truly have become enemies to the public interest and well being. Enemies to the point of taking the side of the lone perpetrator of the world's coronavirus outbreak, against the U.S.
April 19, 2020 at 03:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
As this blog has pointed out multiple times, over the last 10+ years, computer simulation models are essentially worthless for policymaker decision making.
Mountains of evidence exist that models can't predict squat, which is a simple concept that seems not to be grasped by way too many policymakers and about 100% of the MSM press.
Model prediction failure is true, whether the issue is climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic or other policy issue.
Why then are computer simulation models used?
Their effectiveness lies not in prediction success but rather as convincing propaganda by scientists and media in order to induce fear and irrational hysteria.
And there is no doubt the past four weeks of the 'CoronaHysteria' has established, yet again, that computer models are proven to be terrible tools for predictions but great for propaganda purposes.
Adding to the misery of bad modeling output is the successful promulgation of the propaganda by the country's self-anointed elites, thus insuring stressful mayhem for the public coupled with vast unintended consequences.
Such as closing down an entire nation's economy that produces massive, record setting unemployment numbers and psychological wreckage in just a few short weeks.
And unfortunately, the elites' blind faith in "consensus" expertise leads to all sorts of proclamations and statements that are, more often than not, proven to be wrong, divisive, and exceptionally stupid to say in a group larger than two, let alone on a widely disseminated public forum that cable news provides.
One recent example of this level of elite stupidity is the following nugget of wisdom that MSNBC "journalist," Andrea Mitchell, seems to be pushing:
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell and the Washington Post's Philip Rucker decided on Monday to place the blame for the current pandemic on President Trump and conservative red states "...that there were a number of people in red states early on who didn't heed the warnings to socially distance because they believed the President's false comments."
April 11, 2020 at 02:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
The virtue-signaling corporate juggernaut that is Amazon sometimes acts in a very anti-consumer manner.
For example, trying to request that a missing Amazon order package be re-shipped since it was never delivered, contrary to what Amazon reports, is made rather difficult by the giant online retailer. Especially since they no longer provide a url link on their web site to address the non-delivery issue when Amazon reports the package as being delivered.
Instead, try the below method to get that replacement package sent, per this web page.
UPDATE AS OF NOVEMBER 2019! As of November 2019 here is what you have to do if your order shows as delivered but never arrived: Call Amazon at 888-280-4331 You will be asked to let Amazon verify your account by having Amazon text the number they have associated with your account (while you are on the phone) and once you have verified it, the automated system will guide you through some options, one of which is “about an order”, followed by “are you calling about an item?” Answer ‘yes’ to this, and then the system asks you about the item, and gives you the option to say that it never arrived. At this point the system will offer you a refund or a replacement.
You can also try using the Amazon Customer Service Chatbot if you prefer not to use the phone, although we have not tested it recently.
February 10, 2020 at 02:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How not to win over the trust and hearts of average Americans.
Supercut: Watch Lefty Democrat Cory Booker |
Watch Racist Michael Moore |
Watch 'Dr. Who' Climate Doomer Propaganda |
Watch NYT Reporter Likes Iran, Not U.S. So Much |
Watch: Those Democrats & "Diversity" |
Watch what U.S. Press Wants To Dismiss |
January 14, 2020 at 08:26 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Just when you think it can't be topped, both the Democrats and the mainstream media outlets proved to be up to the task of providing Americans with a week's worth of even greater over-the-top partisanship, bias, and lunacy.
Thank goodness it's Christmas and these embarrassing "elites" will take some time off for 10 days or so. (source of images)
Merry Christmas to all as we go on a snooze-fest hiatus ourselves from the liberal-progressive craziness.
Watch Supercut: Press Media Falsely Report “OK” Sign at Army-Navy Game a White Power Symbol
Watch: 12 Most Mortifying MSM Press Moments of 2019
Watch: CNN Aired More Segments About Trump’s ‘Thanos’ Meme Than the Afghanistan War Papers
Watch SUPERCUT — Media to Americans: Of course the Trump dossier is true!
Watch - MSM Scandal: Mainstream Press Won’t Apologize for False Trump Collusion Narrative
Watch Flashback: CNN's Cillizza Lectured Trump on Being Wrong on Carter Page FISA Warrant
Watch Hypocrisy of Democrats: Impeachment Then and Now
Watch Supercut: Democrats Are Devastated To Be Impeaching Trump
Watch: Democrat Joe Biden: If I’m President Charter Schools Are Gone
Watch: Dem Andrew Yang Blasts Press-Media for Smearing Trump Voters as Racist
Watch Democrat Joe Biden Goes Woke: ‘We Should Unionize McDonald’s’
Continue reading "12/15/19 - 12/21/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
December 23, 2019 at 03:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Merry Christmas, America, we're gonna impeach! And special 2019 thanks to the Democrats for proving once and for all they are even dumber than the stupid party.
Plenty of headlines from the past crazy week leading up to the "HISTORIC" week of the non-crime impeachment.
For this issue, we are leading with a lot video clips. Combine those with the traditional headlines and it pretty much sums up our dislike of demented Democrats; of disgraceful/incompetent government bureaucrats; and not to be left out, of the despicable mainstream press. (images source)
Watch: Miss Universe Says 'The Planet Is Dying' After Epic Steve Harvey Eye Roll | Culture
Watch: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
Watch: Media to Americans: Of Course the Trump Dossier Is True! | Press
Watch IG Horowitz: The FBI’s FISA Applications Relied Entirely on the Steele Dossier
Watch: IG Exposes Democrats' & Press Lies about FBI's Conduct
Watch: CNN bias is not only how something is covered – it's what they don't cover.
Watch: AG Bill Barr: FBI Launched Russia Probe on ‘Very Flimsy’ Evidence
Continue reading "12/08/19 - 12/14/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
December 18, 2019 at 03:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Because the FBI and DOJ relied on the proven bogus and laughable Steele dossier, in their approval submission to the FISA court for surveillance on Trump campaign associates, the entire chain of FBI command in the Obama administration has been referred for further investigation and analysis.
(click on to watch)
It's not just the FBI that exhibited extraordinary difficulties with the truth, but maybe more importantly for the American public, an entire class of mainstream press journalists, reporters, pundits and other "experts" either gladly lied to protect the anti-Trump narrative, and/or were badly duped due to their amazing combination of stupidity, laziness, and gullibility.
The below have been identified in this posting (archived copy) as being useful idiot collaborators in one of the biggest political hoaxes in political history. These people should not be trusted with anything that they say or publish - if you do, very good chance you are reading fake news.
@shaneharris Washington Post journalist
@JonahDispatch Former author/pundit for National Review
@BradMossEsq Lawyer
@KenDilanianNBC NBC journalist
@JonathanLanday Reuters national security correspondent
@renato_mariotti CNN analyst
@jimsciutto CNN anchor
@NatashaBertrand Politico national security correspondent
@JuliaEAinsley NBC correspondent
@ddale8 CNN reporter
@JRubinBlogger Blogger/pundit Washington Post
@evanperez CNN senior justice correspondent
@NormEisen Obama's WH ethics czar
December 11, 2019 at 02:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Every week CNN and MSNBC vie for being the most lunatic "journalism" outlet that way too many people watch.
Based on how these two cable outlets report their latest conspiracies the news, it is no wonder that left/liberal/progressive Democrats are so wildly ignorant or misinformed.
If the government were ever to shut down either one of these garbage dumps of misinformation, it would have a very positive impact on the American public - a whole a lot better than the internet shutdown of Alex Jones' InfoWars.
Let's be frank, the scary levels of their viewership's intolerance, rage, incivility, hate, and violence that CNN and MSNBC purposefully produce in their respective audiences is a societal cancer that has metastasized over the first three years of the Trump administration.
Then again, maybe their respective audiences are already suffering from intolerance, rage, incivility, hate, and violence - who's to say for sure.
Although the 1st amendment protects the freaking awfulness of the CNN/MSNBC duo, the free market of viewers is having their own say - thank goodness. (images source)
Fox News Tops Cable News Networks In Third Quarter
Watch: Supercut: Everyday on CNN During Trump’s Impeachment Is ‘Historic’
How CNN Is This? Says GOP Are Like Vichy Nazi Collaborators
CNN’s guest to discuss abuse of power & impeachment MELTS irony detectors
CNN Falls on Its Face Trying to Bash GOP’s Sen. Kennedy as Putin Stooge
Continue reading "12/01/19 - 12/07/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
December 11, 2019 at 12:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Government funded science (and climate change science) is awash in falsehoods that are constantly being propagandized to the detriment of the public. There is even a weekly publication that exposes the latest fake science that has mislead and misinformed.
Unfortunately, this growing fakery is being found across just about every governmental institution. The result has severely damaged the credibility and trustworthiness of all, whether implicated or not.
The latest example is the expose of the cornucopia of FBI's actions/errors that mislead the all-important FISA court, as documented by the DOJ IG Horowitz.
Below, WSJ journalist Kimberley Strassel lays out the damning information in an epic Twitter thread regarding the FBI's 'Russia, Russia, Russia' investigative corruption.
The source for all these tweets can be found here.
At this point in time, why anyone would trust any of the mainstream establishment institutions beggars belief.
As skeptics have exposed in the climate science arena, institutional claims cannot be trusted, which necessitates their being checked at least in a triple fashion, if not more.
And as anti-Trump debacle is proving, our skepticism should extend to all claiming authority and/or moral superiority. Lesson learned: they're all incessant, remorseless liars.
Note: The DOJ was unable to establish the FBI motive for significantly misleading the FISA court, yet. There was no smoking gun email, text message or voice recording that the IG discovered in the course of his investigation. On the overhand, the DOJ's Durham investigation of potential criminal activities will likely be better positioned to find such motivation since Durham has both subpoena and grand jury powers that the IG lacked.
December 10, 2019 at 12:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
One would think the recent craziness that emanates from the mouths of America's elites - be they politicians, journalists or Hollywood celebrities - would have diminished during the Thanksgiving week.
Demonstrably, NOT A CHANCE. (source of images)
Timeline of alleged “sabotage” of Trump in 2016 by Democrats, Ukraine
MSM Press: The Corruption of Bloomberg News
Watch: A Message to The Global Warming Alarmists
'Greta Who?' China Ramps up Coal-Fired Energy Production
OK, Doomers! John Kerry Recruits Bill Clinton, DiCaprio for New Climate Coalition
OK, Doomers! Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value
OK Doomers! The Climate Protest At The Harvard-Yale Football Game Was A Disgrace
Black Friday: To Spite Jane Fonda, Holiday Shopping Gets a Trump Economy Boost
It Begins: Democrat Pete Buttigieg Announces Plan to Raise Taxes on Social Security
Censorship: Chinese Communist Party Is Censoring People In America For Talking About Hong Kong
Culture: New York Requires Religious Orgs To Hire Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBT People
It's Never Enough: Colorado Shows Gun Control Advocates Can't Be Satisfied - The Truth About Guns
Continue reading "11/24/19 - 11/30/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
December 05, 2019 at 12:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Nothing like being forced to frequently look at Greta Thurnberg on a daily basis, especially in feces-laden San Francisco. Count yourself lucky if you call home somewhere else. (images source)
Fortunately, Greta finally departed for new ports of lecture and hectoring - but not everything has improved in the U.S.
This past week's headlines continue to confirm that Democrats, liberals, or progressives are not right in the head. Their intimidation, deception, lies, intolerance, hate, and general incivility continued unabated.
Alas, no rest for the weary that represents the sane majority of decent American citizens.
Democrat Rep. AOC: We Must Combat ‘White Supremacy’ to Fix Climate Change
Democrat Sen. Hirono: Americans Should ‘Believe in Climate Change as Though It’s Religion’
Democrat Rep. AOC: Flooding These Days Is ‘Unprecedented’ Due to Climate Change
CNN's Brian Stelter Refuses to Cover ABC Suppressing Epstein Accuser
MSM Press Bias: It’s Not In Your Head
Democrats Really Do Hate America
Culture: TV's 'Empire' Proudly 'Denounces' Church and 'Christian Values'
Obama Signals Concern About Radical 2020 Democrat Field
Democrat War: Mayor Pete Cites Barack Obama While Discussing ‘Failures’ that Led to Trump
Flashback Montage: Democrats Demanded Trump Impeachment Before Ukraine Whistleblower
MSM Press Follow Pelosi Marching Orders: ‘Bribery’ Mentioned 43 Times
Democrats Using Focus Groups to Pick Trump Impeachment Crime
Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff Admits that President Trump Has the Right to Fire an Ambassador
Stupidity of Democrat Rep. Mike Quigley: ‘Hearsay Is Much Better Than Direct’ Evidence
CBS Warns Democrats: You Could ‘Lose’ Impeachment With Such ‘Limited’ Evidence
CNN Reporter: Trump Tweets Worse Than McCarthyism
Violation of Law: Democrat Rashida Tlaib Asked Campaign for Personal Money, Emails Show
Culture: SB Nation Writer Urges Major League Baseball to Include LGBT Exhibit in Hall of Fame
Democrat Homeland: Homeless Man Pours Bucket of Diarrhea on California Woman
Culture: Lesbian Car Commercial Sexualizes Girls' Childhood Friendship
Democrat Stacey Abrams: ‘The Electoral College Is Racist and Classist’
Continue reading "11/10/19 - 11/16/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
November 20, 2019 at 01:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) really didn't think the Democrats, Hollywood, and the press would be any different this past week, right? The crazies and liars gotta keep doing their crazy and lying schtick. (image source)
Kanye West encourages black Americans not to vote for Democrats: 'That's not the power'
Press: Media Equates Nazi Hat to MAGA Hat After Nationals Player Wore The Latter to the White House
Nationals Pitcher Slams ‘Fake News’ That He Insulted Trump During White House Visit
Press: SPIKED: ABC, CBS, NBC Skip Another New High in Jobs Numbers Under Trump
Snopes Confirms Democrats Tried to Impeach Every Elected GOP President Since Eisenhower
Obstruction: Democrat Rep. Schiff Coaches Witness Vindman to Ignore Some GOP Ukraine Questions
Corrupt Democrats: Biden Lobbied Congress as VP on Behalf of Brother’s Close Associate
Quid Pro Quo: Leading Democrats Call for Conditioning Military Aid to Israel
CNN's Nasty Ana Navarro: Trump Should Stick to Attending KKK Meetings
Watch Democrat Fascists: Antifa Attacks Journalist Outside Walk Away Event in Portland
Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen: Under Trump 'America No Longer Has Values'
Democrat Controlled Cities: Soaring Homelessness Forces San Fran To Issue Record Housing Debt
Press: CNN Desperately Defends Terrorist Leader’s Reputation as a Tough Guy
Democrat Crazy: 2020 Dem Says US Should Pay ‘Compensation’ to Immigrants It Detained
Fox News: Democrat Mayor De Blasio To Give Released Criminals Free Mets Tickets
Democrat-Controlled Sanctuary County Frees Illegal Alien Accused of Molesting 11-Year-Old Girl
Democrat-Marxist Bernie Sanders Vows to Stop Deportations for Murderers, Sex Offenders
Democrat Gov.: Non-Citizens to Stay on North Carolina Voter Rolls Before 2020 Election
Democrat Nanny: Michael Bloomberg Loves China, Will Ban Guns and Big Gulps
Billionaire Democrat Michael Bloomberg's Top 10 Gun Controls
Continue reading "11/3/19 - 11/09/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
November 13, 2019 at 12:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
After 10 years of being on Twitter, I finally submitted a tweet that Twitter refused to publish.
Is Twitter censorship even being applied to an account that has a minuscule following?
Earlier, I had read articles about the Facebook and Twitter censorship in regards to the fake Ukranian "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella.
Being the proverbial skeptic, decided to test the claim on Twitter censorship by submitting a rather mundane tweet that included the adjacent image via a link.
Attempted to submit the tweet multiple times with no luck. Apparently, Twitter would not allow the posting that included a screen capture having the text 'Eric Ciaramella' in the image.
Then Twitter would not accept any tweet I tried submitting.
I then opened up a different browser and was able to sign into Twitter. But I was still unable to post a new tweet.
At least Twitter censorship seems to be a real thing when it comes to protecting the Democrats' narrative.
For those bloggers seeking a censorship-free alternative to Twitter, sign up for account. For any blog post that you submit to your Twitter account, you can do the same by using Gab's Dissenter extension or use Gab's new privacy browser.
November 08, 2019 at 08:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Some favorite memes about the once 'golden state', beloved by all, but now crumbling to devastation from the multiple stupid policies enacted by Democrats, liberals, and progressives.
November 07, 2019 at 12:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Yup, it's another week of headlines regarding the Democrat, progressive & liberal crazies populating the corridors of Washington D.C., Hollywood, and the fake news mainstream journalism outlets. (source of images)
MSNBC Host Outraged Senate Republicans Won’t Pass Democratic Agenda
Watch As MSNBC Hosts Let Democrat Gov. Cuomo Claim Tornadoes Didn’t Exist Before Climate Change
Gee, Wonder Why He Failed===> Watch: The Best of Democrat Beto’s Failed Presidential Campaign
Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Will Pay for 'Medicare for All'
Google Funds 29 US Journalism Projects That Decidedly Swing Left
Culture: All-Male Historically Black College is Criticized for Toxic Masculinity
Trump ‘Fact-Checked’ for Photo Honoring Hero Dog: ‘Impossible to Take the Media Seriously’
Democrat Pelosi Frets Over Dems' 2020 Ideas
Liberal Democrats: Stop teaching novels by white men in high schools for the next 20 years
CNN Whines About 41 of the ‘Most Shocking’ Lines From Trump’s Baghdadi Speech
Democrat Rep Pushes ‘Red Flag’ Law for Trucks: ‘A New Weapon of Mass Destruction’
Results Are In: Common Core Education Is Making American Kids Dumber
The Sensationally Stupid Generation: 1 In 3 Millennials See Communism As Favorable, Survey Finds
Culture: Seattle Public Schools Teach Students That Math Is Used to ‘Oppress People of Color’
STUDY: Most of TV's Impeachment News Pushes Claims by Anonymous Sources
Censorship: Financial Blacklisting: PayPal Bans Conservative Street Artist Sabo
Culture: Judge bans business owners from stating Christian beliefs
Critics Worry New Act Could Fine Internet Users Up to $30,000 for Funny Political Memes
NBC & CBS Scare Viewers With Climate Panic: Millions Will Be Underwater!
Biological Male Named Female Conference Athlete of the Week
New York Times: From the 'Deep State’ Doesn’t Exist to the ‘Deep State’ Is Great!
Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Was Anti-Trump Leaker Behind ‘Putin Fired Comey’ Fake News
NYT Op-Ed: Indian Boys' Assault Of Black Girls Proves That ‘Whiteness Evolves’
Ex-CIA Chief Praises Whistleblower for Trying to Take Down Trump: ‘Thank God for the Deep State’
Must Read: Democrats' House Impeachment Inquiry Resolution: Some Observations
Far-Left Marxist-Democrat Bernie Sanders: ‘My Ideas Are Not Far-Left’
Continue reading "10/27/19 - 11/02/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
November 06, 2019 at 05:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
We are tardy in publishing last week's headlines documenting the deranged Democrats and Hollywood but as they say, 'the show must go on.'
And a special note for conservatives, if you are tired of the left-leaning shift by and the constant hyping of climate doomsday stories by the Drudge Report, there is a new alternative now available here.
Nancy Pelosi, Democrats produce more subpoenas than laws
Democrat Rep. Green to Trump for Invoking ‘Lynching’: ‘Makes You No Better’ than KKK
Watch Supercut: Democrats in 1998 Repeatedly Liken Clinton Impeachment to ‘Lynching’
Video Shows Corrupt Lying Democrat Joe Biden Called Impeachment 'Lyching' Before Trump Did
Democrat Rep. Gregory Meeks on President's Impeachment: ‘Indeed It Is a Political Lynching’
Flashback Montage: The Media Love PR Stunts ... When Democrats Are at the Wheel
GOP Fraud &Very Fake Mitt Romney Mocked for Posing as 'Pierre Delecto' to Bash Trump on Twitter
Hypocrisy Forever: Things only Democrats can say
Massachusetts Democrat's Bill Would Make It Illegal To Call Someone 'Bitch'
Mexican Cardinal: Climate Change Skeptics Are ‘Black Sheep’ of Church
End of the World? Liberal/Progressive Climate Doomsday Loons
Fake News: CNN’s Zucker: ‘We Don’t Set out to Be Anti-Trump,’ We’re ‘Pro-Truth’
MSNBC Excited By New Democrat Talking Points on Impeachment
Kangaroo Inquiry: GOP Lawmakers Cannot View Impeachment Docs Without Supervision of Democrats
Blasts Democrats' Secret Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Biggest Atrocity I’ve Seen’ Over 17 Years in Congress
"Transparent" Democrats Give Us Secret Impeachment: Behind closed doors
Democrat Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Impeachment an ‘Open and Shut Case’
GOP Rep. EXPOSES Media Following Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff’s Playbook
Republicans Storm Their Way Into Democrats’ ‘Soviet Style’ Impeachment Proceeding
CNN’s Boykin Compares Republicans Who Stormed Impeachment Hearing to KKK
Democrat War: Bill Maher Skewers Democrats for Pandering to Far Left
Muslim-Democrat Ilhan Omar's Tabloid Life
Fake News: CBS and NBC Censor Ethics Probe of Raunchy Democratic ‘Rising Star’
Photos Appear to Show Democrat Ilhan Omar Is Lying About Affair With Married Staffer
Nude Photo of Democrat Rep. Katie Hill Brushing Young Aide's Hair Fuels Scandal
Continue reading "10/20/19 - 10/26/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
November 01, 2019 at 06:46 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
It's the same old, same old this week in the headlines.
Yes, the press, the Democrats, the Hollywood celebrities, the progressives, and the liberals continue their journey towards full mental and emotional self-destruction.
Their craziness, combined with their devoted dedication to hatred and intolerance of those who disagree with them, is unprecedented and likely doing immense damage to the remaining fabric of political unity in this country.
As we say, read, weep, and laugh about this week's crazies. (image source)
Fake Science: Scientific Journal Forced to Retract ‘Landmark’ Climate Change Study Due to Falsehoods
Fringe Alt-Left 'Green' Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes 'Zero-Carbon Airplanes'
Why does The Alt-Left New York Times want you to have less free speech?
NYU student govt supports plan to 'abolish' prisons, claims "jails don't make us safe"
Anti-Semitic hate crimes in Democrat-Controlled NYC have risen significantly in 2019
Democrat Beto, NRA's Employee of The Year: Monthly Gun Sales Up 10 Percent Since Last September
Rifle Murders Declined Nearly 24 Percent, FBI Report Shows
The FBI's 2018 crime report...The number of people killed with firearms is down from 2017 and 2016
Journalist Jorge Ramos: Illegal Immigration Is A Civil Right
Democrat Rep. AOC Distances Self from Supporter Advocating Eating Babies to Solve Climate
Democrat Joe Biden’s Gun Control Plan Targets The Firearms Industry And Law-Abiding Citizens
UNEXPECTEDLY: Hundreds of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex. …
ACLU Sues Trump to Get Taxpayer-Funded 'Mental Health Services' for Border Crossers
Democrat Rep. Schiff's Own Ties to Ukraine Raise Questions
First Ukraine Whistleblower falling apart, so media inventing a Second Whistleblower
IC Inspector General Didn’t Review Ukraine Call Before Forwarding Whistleblower Complaint
HUGE if true –> YUP, the whistleblower is a registered Democrat but it gets worse, SO much worse
MSNBC's Chris Matthews: We Gotta Impeach Pence Too!
MSNBC: Jill Wine-Banks: ‘You Could Impeach Pence First’
Democrat Sen. Harris: Pence 'Should Be Brought Before' Congress
Democrat Biden Declared Innocent of All Wrongdoing by Mainstream Media
Democrats: The Hunter Biden story is a troubling tale of privilege
Twitter Removes Video Critiquing Democrat Joe Biden
Media Overlooks Democrat Sen. Warren’s Conflicting Claims About Being Fired For Being Pregnant
Democrats Are In A Lose-Lose Situation On Impeachment Says… CNN’s Van Jones (VIDEO)
Fresh proof Dems' 'impeachment inquiry' is just a kangaroo court
Secret 'show trial': Nunes charges Democrats using intel panel to cloak process
Democrat Rep. Schiff Dodges Question on Why He Made Up Dialogue in Trump's Ukraine Phone Call
Montage: Democrats Want To Steal the Election This Time
MSNBC Panel Says Impeachment Effort Is an Effort to Save Democracy
MSNBC's Maddow Assures 'View': Unlike Fox, MSNBC's 'Not Running a Political Campaign'
Democrat Joe Biden Promises Hunter Biden Will Join Campaign, Despite Ukraine Scandal
Deceitful' for Democrats to Release 'Cherry-Picked' Texts Without Full Volker Testimony
Democrats: Jeffrey Epstein Made $200 Million After His Pedophilia Became Public Knowledge
Continue reading "9/29/19 - 10/5/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
October 09, 2019 at 04:52 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Guess we can't go even a week without the Democrats and the press being in a constant state of hysteria.
And completely embarrassing themselves again in their pathetic attempts at a coup.
Yes, we did say 'pathetic.'
Not convinced? Just scroll through this past week's headlines below. (image source)
Democrats Assail Catholic Judicial Nominee for Pro-Life Views
Media Miss: Democrat Election Official Facing Six Felony Counts Over Election Tampering
Okay, Whatever: Media Bow as ADL Declares ‘OK’ Hand Gesture a Hate Symbol
Democrats Target Tax-Exempt Status of ‘Hate Groups’ as Defined by extreme Left-wing SPLC
86 Things Democrats Have Said Trump Could Be Impeached For
OBSESSED: Networks Bang Impeachment Drum 73 Times in a Day
35 Straight Months: Even Before Trump Took Office, Media Began Impeachment Obsession
MSNBC’s ‘Hardball’: Impeachment Is Chance to Save Constitution from Russian Stooge Trump
Flashback: Democrat Obama Admin Asked Ukraine to Investigate Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort
Attorney For Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower’ Worked For Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer
Democrat Obama Administration Saved Call Transcripts On Same Secret Server As Trump Administration
Media, Democrats: You Don’t Need a Quid Pro Quo When You Talk Like a ‘Mob Boss’ [Montage]
CNN’s Bash Falsely Reports Trump Admin. Only Putting Select Transcripts on More Secure Server
Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Impeach Trump, Impeach Kavanaugh
Illegals Accused of Child Rape Flee After Being Freed by Sanctuary Cities
Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi Claims, w/o Evidence, Russia Involved in Trump-Ukraine Call
Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters: Pence, Barr Involved in Ukraine 'Conspiracy'
Impeachment Double Standard: Media Ignores Democratic Senators Urging Ukraine to Investigate Trump
Ukraine 'Whistleblower' Complaint 'Written by a Law Firm'
ABC & NBC Dismiss Whistleblower’s Credibility Problems
10 Reasons Democrats' Impeachment Argument Is Falling Apart
Constitutional Lawyer: Impeachment Inquiry Is ‘Completely All Show’
‘Whistleblower’ Likely a Setup Coordinated with Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff
MAJOR error in whistleblower memo an EYE-OPENER making Democrats and media look WORSE
Takes Democrat's and media’s ‘truly insane allegations’ apart in EPIC thread
ABC's Bombshell Ukraine Story Falls Apart
ABC, NBC: Congress Can ‘Read Between the Lines’ to Impeach Trump
ABC, NBC Hide IG Warning of the Whistleblower’s Anti-Trump ‘Political Bias’
CNN's Blitzer and Acosta LIE About the ‘Favor’ Trump Asked of Ukrainian President
Democrat Joe Biden Refuses to Answer, Walks Away from Questions About Corruption In Ukraine
Watch as CNN Host Uncomfortably Listens to Reporter Outlining Hunter Biden’s Lack of Ethics
MSNBC's Jansing Accuses Trump of Attacking Biden's 'Only Remaining 49 Year Old Man-Child'
Watch Biden Brag About Bribing Ukraine To Fire Investigator Of Son's Biz
Hollywood's Joy Behar: Democrat Biden Family Should Be Off Limits; 'People Feel Sorry for Joe!'
HE’S EASILY BOUGHT? Why China thinks it’s got a future Democrat President Biden in its pocket….
BOOM! President Trump Surges Ahead of Democrat Joe Biden by 4 Points in Latest Poll, 47-43
CNN, MSNBC Mislead on Ukraine Story
Mainstream Media Ignores Warning Signs of Impeachment Blowback for Democrats in 2020 Elections
MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: GOP Sen. Romney Will Swing Swing Voters to Support Impeachment
Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge’
CNN’s Jake Tapper says Trump’s impeachment defense includes Fox News and an ‘army of trolls’
MSNBC’s Katy Tur Says Ukrainian Involvement In 2016 Election Meddling Is ‘Russian Propaganda’
The ‘Deep State’ Is Very, Very Real
Hollywood: Netflix Star Ben Platt Wants Trump Impeachment for His Birthday
Ukraine must investigate Joe Biden's son, says ex-Ukrainian PM
Poll: Trump More Popular than Democrat Speaker Pelosi — 44 to 39 Percent
Continue reading "9/22/19 - 9/28/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
October 01, 2019 at 09:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
What can one honestly say other than "Literally, the Democrats seem to be growing crazier and crazier by the week." (meme source)
It's like all liberals and progressives have become possessed zombies intent on destroying any form of mutual respect and tolerance, politeness, and political cooperation, let alone promoting and maintaining a civil U.S. society that has produced the best, the fairest, and most prosperous nation ever.
And adding to the growing concern of average Americans is the total lack of moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans publicly calling out these crazies for their incredibly over-the-top hateful, divisive rhetoric, and anti-American ideas that clearly undermine liberties and freedoms.
New York Times deletes unproven allegation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Democrat Candidate Tulsi Gabbard Says She’s Disheartened By Democrats’ Lack Of Love For Liberty
Game-Changer: Democrat Beto O'Rourke Proves the Left's Goal Is Gun Seizures
Democrat Pulls The Most EVIL Sh* I have Ever Seen, Calls On Tech Monopoly To RESTRICT Our Rights
Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar Calls for Gun Confiscation By "Voluntary Buyback" Program on Guns
Democrat Rep. Clyburn: 'Not Too Sure' the Bill of Rights Would Pass Today
Democrat Presidential Candidate Finally Admits, Her Party is For Open Borders
Democrats Can't Deport '11 Million' Illegals, but Will Confiscate 16 Million AR-15s
New Democrat CCC Chief Wants to Banish Male Candidates
Democrat Sen. Warren: Trump Administration, GOP Are 'the Heart of Corruption'
Not-So-Shocking Poll: Americans Hate The Government Almost As Much As They Hate Big Pharma
Here’s Why Zero People Showed Up To The ‘Impeach Trump’ Event
Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Sounds The Alarm On Impeachment: It Would ‘Tear Our Country Apart’
Democrat Marianne Williamson Caught on Hot Mic: 'Conservatives Are Nicer to Me'
REALLY? DNC Chairman Tom Perez Claims Socialism Is What Makes Capitalism Work
Democrat Biden: ‘We’re Going to End Fossil Fuel’
Democrat Sen. Harris: 'I Support Medicare for All, I Always Have'
Democrat Joe Biden: 'Nobody Should Be in Jail for a Nonviolent Crime'
Democrat Candidate: Beto O'Rourke: Trump Poses 'Mortal Threat' to People of Color
Democrat Joe Biden Tried To Get Russia Into The Iraq War With Promises Of Oil Profits
Socialist-Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Predicts Miami Won’t Exist ‘In A Few Years’
Chicago's Democrat Mayor Claims REPUBLICANS Are Responsible For City's Violence
Who is Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren? Her fundraising tactics provide a clue
Democrats Secretly Trained Thousands of Activists to Manipulate Media, Clinton Library Docs Show
Hong Kong Protesters Wave American Flags, Voice Support For Trump
Continue reading "9/8/19 - 9/14/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
September 18, 2019 at 02:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Why does anyone still watch, listen to, or read the establishment mainstream news?
As many of the below headlines indicate, the supposed objective and impartial mainstream journalists are anything else but.
Their entire construct is built on a structure of partisan bias that supports a singular leftist political agenda designed to mislead the American public.
They are a monumental disgrace and they certainly deserve no more respect than the average Joe and Jane who works 40 hours a week - probably the journalists deserve less since they lie 24/7. (image source)
Trump’s Real Opponent in 2020: The Liberal Media's Extreme Partisan Bias
MSNBC's Wallace: We Should Compare Trump to People Who Are Delusional, Not Other Presidents
THIS IS CNN: CNN Benches Steve Cortes, Its Own Latino Contributor, Because He Supports Trump….
How Do You Spell ‘Hysteria’? NY Times Frets of ‘Permanent Effect’ of Trump Typos
CNN, MSNBC Inundate Viewers with 145 Minutes of ‘Sharpiegate’
Network News Hopes Weather Map Will Finally Bring Down Trump: ‘90 Days in Prison?’
‘No idea why CNN is mired in 3rd place’: Brian Stelter’s STILL losing it over Trump’s hurricane map
Gaslighting By Fake News: The Press Gets Debunked Again, This Time Over Alabama & Hurricane Dorian
Alabama Guard Prepared for Hit By Hurricane Dorian – Trump Proven Right Again
New York Times Plays Race Card On President Trump For Honoring White NBA Greats
Fake News Claimed Trump Rallies Increased Hate Crimes By 226% Turns Out To Be A Lie
CBS Sympathizes With Prince Harry After His Climate Hypocrisy Is Exposed
Thug: Bloomberg Reporter Forces Labor Official to Lose Job Because of Sarcastic Post
Journalist Loses CNN Contributor Spot After Taking Job at Conservative Publication
ABC Exploits Lou Gehrig's Sufferer to Trash ‘Racist,’ ‘Kleptocrat’ Trump
MSNBC: It's Now "Incendiary" To Say There Are Two Genders
WashPost Gets Lefty Icons to Dump on Constitution, ‘Flawed White’ Founders
CBS Skips Mattis EXCORIATING Obama and Biden, Demands He Hammer Trump
Washington Post Welcomes Crumbling Of Division Between Sports, Politics
Network News Ignore Possibility Texas Shooter Got His Rifle on the Black Market
Bloomberg Modifies Their Fake News Hit Job Against DOL Official
CBS Gushes Over 2020 Dem’s Free Money Scheme: ‘$1000 a Month Is a Good Policy’
Eye Roll: CNN’s Blitzer Opens Town Halls by Blaming Climate Change for Hurricane Dorian
Circus: Five CNN Hosts Spend Six Hours Blaming Climate Change for Hurricane Dorian
SCIENCE! CNN goes above-and-beyond the call to help Dems sound the climate change doomsday alarm
Continue reading "9/1/19 - 9/7/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
September 09, 2019 at 12:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Mainstream media makes the claims that they are objective journalists that don't favor a particular political party or candidate or agenda.
Fortunately, for the world to see and hear, the "authoritative" MSM daily reporting belies the falsehood of objectivity.
The MSM is now the spewing cornucopia of fake news, lies, hypocrisy, and partisan bias that is designed to mislead the public.
Don't believe it?
Scroll through this past week's headlines that demonstrate the polar opposite of journalistic objectivity, as well as the continuing unhinged craziness of Democrats, liberals, and progressives. (image source)
CNN: Trump ‘May Be Responsible for Many More Million Deaths’ than Hitler, Stalin
The Ten Biggest Lies The Media Has Told About Trump
Leftist Politician Decides Cleaning Poop Off Seattle's Streets With A Pressure Washer Is Racist
Democrats Pounce On Odessa Shooting To Boost Their Political Campaigns
Alabama High School Mass Shooting with 10 Victims Largely Ignored by Fake News Media
WashPost: Your Pumpkin Spice Latte is a Bloody Imperialist Brew
MSNBC's Matthews: Trump Is Like Idi Amin Playing with Crayons, Possibly Has Dementia
Business Insider Lets Anonymous Actors Accuse Trump of Treason
Fake News: MSNBC Claims National Zoo Could Lose Pandas Due To Trade War With China
CNN on Biden Gaffes — Democrats Hold Themselves to Higher Truth Standard
Feminist Thought-Leader Claims Milking Cows Is The Same As Rape
Not a Good Week: NOW NBC Botches New Citizenship Claim
Washington Post: These ‘reasonable conservatives’ sound just like southern racists
Fake News By Omission: ABC/NBC Skip FBI Raids of Auto Union Leaders in Corruption Probe
Washington Post: If You’re Pro Life, You Might Be a Nazi
Slate: Trump Not a Loyal American
Democrat Joe Biden: ‘White Folks Are The Reason’ For Institutional Racism
Fake News MSNBC Hack Lawrence O’Donnell Panics and ‘Apologizes’ For Trump-Russia Smear....
Media Fails to Cover Muslim Democrat Rep. Omar Infidelity Case
Fake News: The Great Amazon Fire Fraud
MSNBC: Matthews, Guests Suggest Media Criticism Is ‘Authoritarian,’ ‘Dirt Ball Politics’
Can’t Take a Joke: Lefty Media Slams Comdeian Dave Chappelle Stand Up as ‘Transphobic’
CNN's Ryan Says Trump's Proposal to Nuke Hurricanes Is Based on Racial Animus
CNN & MSNBC: Media Receives Backlash for Smearing Trump Judicial Nominee
MSNBC's Joy Reid Suggests Media Soft on 'White Conservatives' 'Trump & Hitler
Censorship: Facebook Bans Pro-Trump Epoch Times From Advertising
Fox Anchor Maria Bartiromo: ‘Yes,’ the Mainstream Media Could Talk Us Into ‘Recession’
Continue reading "8/25/19 - 8/31/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
September 02, 2019 at 12:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Democratic Party's H.I.V. agenda? This week's headlines reveal establishment liberal/progressive Democrats agenda of Hate, Incivility, and Violence being upped a few more notches on the extremist spectrum.
Newsweek Opinion Piece Calls for Humanity to Embrace Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change
MSNBC Laments Abortion Funding: ‘No Moral Compass on Right,’ Abortion Is About 'Freedom!'
WATCH: ANTIFA Terrorist Attempts to Stab Marine Veteran During Last Weekend’s Portland Rampage
Independent Journalist Slams Liberal Media 'Ignoring the Truth' About Antifa Violence
MSNBC Thought Police Say It's 'Incendiary' to Believe in Two Genders
The Establishment Mainstream Media’s Intersectional Embrace of Anti-Semitism
CNN's Rye to GOPer: 'White Men Who Think Like You' Are 'Greatest Terrorist Threat in This Country'
Democrat Julian Castro: ‘I Applaud’ News Outlets for Calling Trump ‘Racist’
Thanks Democrats! NY Man Arrested for Violent Random Assaults on White People in the Street (VIDEO)
Crenshaw Blasts YouTube/Google After ‘Young Turks’ Commentator Says ‘America Deserved 9/11’
‘The Fake News’ Media Is Trying to Talk the Economy into a Recession
Video of Mainstream Press: Gee, No One Wants a Recession (Wink)
MSNBC's Maddow Compares Migrant Detention Centers to Guantanamo
NEWS YOU CAN USE: NBC News Claims that Heterosexuality is ‘Male Oppression.’…
Left-Wing Journalists Celebrate David Koch’s Death on Twitter
Hollywood's Alec Baldwin: Trump Wants to Kill America
CNN’s Stelter Demands 'Outrage and Backlash' for Dancing Sean Spicer
CNN's Brian Stelter criticizes Fox News for hiring Sarah Huckabee Sanders
MSNBC Panel Suggests Trump Removal Due to Alzheimer's
Hollywood's Bette Midler goes on a vile, unhinged rant over billionaire David Koch’s death
Nasty NY Times Has History of Lashing Out at Billionaire David Koch
Comedian Bill Maher Rips Koch Upon His Death: 'F*** Him ... I Hope It Was Painful'
Hollywood Celebrates David Koch’s Death — and Hopes His Brother Dies Soon
MSNBC's Crazy Lefties: Not Bashing Trump on Greenland Is ‘Disloyal’ to Racist, Sexist America
Continue reading "8/18/19 - 8/24/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
August 26, 2019 at 10:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
UNHINGED: It's another weekly list of headlines documenting just how crazy extreme the Democrats, liberals, and progressives have become. can't make this stuff up.
Senate Democrats deliver totalitarian warning to Supreme Court: ‘Heal’ or face restructuring
Veritas: Google Blocked NewsBusters, Other Conservative Sites from Search
Antifa Violence Strikes Again, Mainstream Media Blames The Right
CBS News forgets to mention why the entire Portland police force was bracing for violence – Antifa
'Anarchy and Chaos': Violent Antifa Protests Break Out in Portland
Google Staffers Fight Working with ICE, Compare Agency to ‘Nazis’
HBO's Bill Maher Slams Media for Ignoring Anti-Semitism in Mideast
California Introduces Radical Anti-Semitic High School Curriculum
Boston Herald Calls Out Democrat Sen. Warren for ‘Dangerous and False Rhetoric’
CNN's Dumb & Dumber: Another Embarrassing Day For Journalism
CNN In Hot Water: April Ryan Has Bodyguard Violently Eject Journalist, Steal Camera
CNN Conspiracy Theory Blames Trump for Sex Assault Allegation Against Don Lemon
Democrat Castro: My Brother Was Right to Dox/Expose Donors of Trump's 'Campaign of Hate'
Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing To Society
Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: Unhinged MSNBCers Keep Comparing Trump to Hitler
NY Times Fails in Attempt to Blame Conservative Media for Inspiring El Paso Killings
CNN: We're Headed for Recession, But the Good News Is It Will Hurt Trump!
FNC's MacCallum Slams 'Unpatriotic' and 'Inhumane' Media Rooting for a Recession
MSNBC, CNN Ignore 2020 Democrats Falsely Claiming Michael Brown Was Murdered
The campaign to brand Trump a racist
Democrat Julián Castro: Trump 'Wants a Whiter, Wealthier Nation'
Democrat AOC: Trump Supporters Not Educated Enough to Recognize Their Own Racism
CUNY Prof: All White People Responsible For "Ideology Of Racialized Terrorism"
MSNBC Panelist On Most White People: ‘Destroy Them’
Democrat Robert Francis "Beto" O’Rourke Thinks You’re Racist - Big League Politics
Former MSNBC Reporter Spills Details On Pro-Establishment Bias In Media
Women Who Don't Believe Israel Has Right To Exist Not Sure Why They Got Banned From Israel
Democrats Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib Partnered with Vicious Anti-Semites
Democrat Beto O’Rourke Endorses Mandatory Assault Weapon Buyback Confiscations
CNN Pushes Gun Control Despite Knowing Little About Attack on Philly Police
Fake: President Kamala Harris will close that ‘online sales loophole’ that makes guns a click away
MSNBC Host, Analysts Speculate About Removing Trump From Office
Eight-in-Ten Democrats Want Easier Migration and Asylum Rules
MSNBC Analyst Likens Trump Supporters to Members of a ‘Terrorist Organization’
Continue reading "8/11/19 - 8/17/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
August 19, 2019 at 10:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Just another edition of that weekly tirade from the Democrat/liberal/left/progressive insanity, with a complementary fistful of incitement that is fueling hate and violence against other Americans. (Simply scroll through the headlines below to get a taste of the extreme, over-the-top incivility.)
As usual, Democrat politicians, lefty celebs, and, of course, the progressive mainstream media continue to be a perpetual gushing torrent promoting the fringe, bizarre craziness, virulent ugliness, divisiveness, contempt, intolerance, sanctimony, bullying, hypocrisy, derangement, racism, conspiracies, socialism, extremism, falsehoods, misrepresentations, including a strong demeanor of censorship and other all-encompassing anti-American attitudes.
Over a week's period, they pretty much cover all the bases of awful. (source of image)
IT GOT UGLY: Blaming ‘Racist’ Trump and Gun Owners for Mass Shootings
Google Favors CNN, Left Media in Biased Mass Shooting Search Results
Journalists Are Throwing ‘Hissy Fits’ Over Factual Reporting Of Dayton Shooter’s Politics
Networks Silent: Dayton Shooter Alleged Twitter Account Supported Antifa Violence, Elizabeth Warren
Democrat Sen. Cory Booker: ‘Donald Trump Is Responsible’ for Mass Shootings Around the Country
MSNBC's Brzezinski: Trump 'Seems to Want' White-Nationalist Mass Murders to Happen
Media Outlets Publish Misleading Headlines About Trump’s Comments Following Weekend Shootings
Press & Democrats Claiming Trump’s Rhetoric Inspires Mass Murder
NYT Blames ‘White Nationalist’ Trump Facebook Ads for El Paso Shooting
LIAR: Ex-Senator Pushes Claim Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill to Buy Guns
NY Times: ‘Conservatism Has a Violence Problem’; GOP, Shooters Have ‘Same Goal’
MSNBC’s Morning Joe: Republicans ‘Have Blood on Their Hands’
Twitter Allows Violent #MassacreMoscowMitch Hashtag
CNN's Luis Gutierrez: Trump Must Be 'Eliminated'
Disgusting: CNN Downplays, Refuses to Condemn Death Threats to Mitch McConnell
CNN Neglects to Report DNC, Presidential Hopefuls Fundraising off Mass Shootings
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: President Poses ‘Existential Threat’ to America
CBS Parrots Democratic Talking Points: Hold Trump 'Accountable' for Slaughter
DIABOLICAL: CNN Smears Gun Owners, Trashes ‘Diversionary’ Speech by Racist Trump
MSNBC Analyst Uses Numerology to Link Trump’s Decision to Fly Flags at Half-Staff to Neo-Nazism
Journalistic Malfeasance: Trump & The Charlottesville Lie
Media Lies: Trump's 'Fine People' hoax
Celebs Attack 2nd Amendment, ‘Hater in Chief’ Trump After Weekend Shootings
Continue reading "8/4/19 - 8/10/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
August 12, 2019 at 11:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
More headlines documenting the constant daily demonstrations of the Democrat/liberal/left/progressive hate, incitement, violence, ugliness, craziness, sanctimony, hypocrisy, derangement, racism, socialism, extremism, and, of course, falsehoods.
Hard to believe that suburban moms will actually believe, support, and embrace this type of daily spewing of bizarro.
Extravagant 2020 Democrat Candidate Promises
That Headline Aged Badly, NY Times: ‘No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’'
CNN's Stelter Rages Against Trump Backers After Bad Mueller Day: 'Reject the Lies'!
Joy Behar: Will GOP Stand Up to Trump’s Racism When ‘David Duke Is Part of the Cabinet?’
New York Times Bigwig Doubts Franken & Biden Accusers, But Kavanaugh's Guilty!
MSNBC Guests Claim MAGA, Trump Are a 'Nazi Symbol'
CNN: Fox News Doesn't Cover Socialism 'Fairly'
Rev. Al Sharpton: Trump ‘Has a Particular Venom for Blacks and People of Color’
CNN Changes Graphic as Nasty Don Lemon Attacks Black Pastor Who Met Trump
MSNBC: ‘Sound the Alarm’ to Trump and Rise of Nazi Threat in 2020
CNN, MSNBC Show Double Standard In Reporting on ’Racist’ Comments
Washington Post Misleads in Story Suggesting Trump’s Presidency Making Latinos Sick
Daily Beast Attacks Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera Over 'Far-Right' Politics
CNN: When Trump called Baltimore ‘infested,’ was he talking about rats or ‘black and brown people’?
Baltimore Mayor: Smelling Rats in Baltimore
MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch: We are ‘At War’ With Republican ‘Liars, Cheaters, and Stealers’
Gillette CEO: $8 Billion Loss over Woke Ads 'Worth Paying'
AT&T Promotes Trump-Hater Snoop Dog
Sticking to Sports: ESPN Ratings Soar As Network Abandons Politics
Continue reading "7/21/19 - 8/3/19: The Past 2 Weeks of Headlines You Would like To Forget" »
August 05, 2019 at 10:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
For some reason, the U.S. mainstream media, as represented by the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, Associated Press, MSNBC, and CNN, is not inclined to report on the ugliness, hate, intimidation, censorship, and violence that comes from the mouths of Democrat politicians, new media personalities, entertainment celebrities, or academia.
Editors note: Source of this article's image, plus many more.
The below listing is this past week's contribution to incivility by numerous liberal/progressive/left voices. (No need to read each article...simply scroll through the headlines to get a sense of the vitriol, hate, and craziness.)
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed’
WaPo: ‘Send Her Back’ Chant Was ‘Fire Of Racial Animus’ Within Trump’s Base
What the Media Won't Tell You About the 'Send Her Back' Chant
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Republicans Have ‘Embraced the Racial Ideology of David Duke’
Whenever Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib calls Republicans crazy, remember to watch this video
FACEBOOK Bans Violent Threats… Except the Violent Threats Against Conservatives...
CNN's Cuomo: 'Make America Great Again' Means 'Make America Hate Again'
MSNBC’s Deutsch Warns Liberals: 'Be Afraid', Trump Voters Want White Supremacist Dictator
Watch CNN Panel Gush Over 'The Squad,' Bash Trump as a 'Racist'
Documenting The World of Liberal/Progressive Hate, Divisiveness, & Incitement
Tacoma ICE Fire-Bomb Attacker Urges Leftists to Ignore Laws, Arm Themselves
It's not fair asking Democratic contenders to take a position on policy
Illiberal Liberalism | Democrat Liberals No Longer Believe In Civil Debate
The 'Squad' Won't Condemn Antifa Terrorism....WHERE Are The Media?
Newest Liberal / Maoist Hysteria : Chris Pratt's 'Don't Tread On Me' Shirt Has White Supremacy Ties
Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar After Trump Twitter Attack: ‘It’s Time for Us to Impeach This President’
Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley Goes On Racially Tinged, Homophobic Rant at Netroots Nation
Media Rushes to Defend Pelosi, Blame Trump For Speaker’s Violation of House Rules
New York Times's Pro-Communist Bias Stretches to the Moon and Back
Democrats Start Petition To BAN Trump Rallies
MSNBC: Trump’s Immigration Policies Prove He’s Racist
Democrat Rep. Omar: “[Trump is] unapologetically racist. And, if you support him, so are you.”
We TOLD You So: CBS's Norah O’Donnell’s ‘Evening News’ Debut Becomes Trump Hatefest
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Hates Nazi-Like Trump Fans at ‘Nuremberg Rally’
5 Things House Democrats Are Ignoring in Favor of Condemnation, Impeachment, & Contempt
Politico: Tipping Has ‘Racist Past,’ So Raise The Minimum Wage
Facebook-Sponsored Panel: ‘I Don’t Believe in Free Speech’
Twitter Censors Texas Governor Abbott Over ‘Blue Angels’ Tweet
Google Shopping Sells Antifa ‘Riot F**k Cops’ Merchandise
CNN's Tapper, Brinkley Compare Trump to 'Demagogues' Like Huey Long and George Wallace
MSNBC Unhinged: ‘Nazi’ Trump Supporters Engage in ‘Ethnic Cleansing Politically’
Continue reading "7/14/19 - 7/20/19: The Past Week In News You Would like To Forget" »
July 22, 2019 at 09:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The first week's headlines after the November 2018 election do not provide a lot of comfort for moving forward; the next 2 years (103 weeks) are going to be brutal if below headlines are an indication.
Democrats Mulling 85 Investigations, Subpoenas for Trump White House
Democrats Now Say They Won't Try To Impeach Brett Kavanaugh But They Make No Promises On POTUS
Poll: Top Three Dem 2020 Candidates Are Biden, Sanders, And O’Rourke- all are white males
Hillary Clinton Crashes High School Football Game, Takes Selfies
Leftist Sherrod Brown for president? He’s thinking about it
Maxine Waters's Daughter Will Pocket More Than $200K For Campaign Operation
Majority Of Likely US Voters Are Against Impeaching Kavanaugh
Democrat Nadler: We're not impeaching Kavanaugh, but the White House ...
Is Comrade Jerrold Nadler The Most Powerful Actual Socialist in Congress?
Congress braces for high-drama lame duck | TheHill
Here's The Complete 'Democratic Hit List' Of Trump Investigation Targets
Exclusive poll: Most Democrats see Republicans as racist, sexist
Guardian: White Women Voting GOP Embrace ‘Racist Sadism’
The Liberal Mob Continues To Attack
Georgia Southern Prof Claims Trump and GOP Used Fear and Prejudice in Midterms
Look inward, not to Washington, to fix the culture of incivility
TRIGGERED: ‘It’s OK to Be White’ posters are back … and again campus officials, students go…
MSNBC: Trump Would 'Call the Military' if He Lost 2020 Re-Election Bid
RUN, HILLARY, RUN! Hillary Clinton will run for White House again in 2020, says former adviser. Th…
Celebrity Sarah Silverman: I Feel 'Very Lucky' Trump Doesn't Make Me Wear Star of David
MSNBC's Joy Reid Suggests Florida Democratic Voters Might Be Racist
'Emergency Voting' Centers Opened by Dem Recorder Raise Questions
Florida Vote Scandal Coverage Shows Media-Democrat Complicity. Again.
Florida Recount: Broward County Recount is a Dumpster Fire, Palm Beach Officials Decry Deadline
Provisional Ballot Boxes Discovered Inside AVIS Rental Car At Ft. Lauderdale Airport
Georgia Democrats tout surprise ballots that could sink Brian Kemp's bid for governor
Soros-Tied Hillary Alumni Group Helping to Organize Volunteers for Florida Recount
Fired: Broward County Employee Gives Affidavit, Blank Ballots Being Filled Out
Nearly 200,000 Florida Voters May Not Be Citizens - NBC 6 South Florida
6.5M people with active Social Security numbers are 112 or older: IG
Trump Or Cheney? NYT Asks "Who's The Real American Psycho?"
YOU WERE EXPECTING INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY?: Boston Globe Defends Mobbing of Jewish Republican. S…
Facebook Fired Oculus Founder For His Political Beliefs And Pro-Trump Donations
Donald Trump: Honest Vote Count in Florida 'No Longer Possible'
Fed Board Run By Obama Holdovers Is ‘Hemorrhaging’ Taxpayer Money On Legal Fees
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“Why Trump Should Be Worried About 2020”
Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Slated For Victory As Vote Count Heads In Her Direction
NBA Players Protest Gun Violence Following Thousand Oaks Shooting
Activists Fly Banner over Jets Stadium, Urge Team to Support Gun Control
Dangerous UN Migration Pact wants to make migration a human right
Bulgaria will not join the UN Migration Pact and joins growing list of countries
France's Macron Rips Nationalism. Then He Gets Slammed.
Germany's Merkel attacks nationalism and says only UN values and cooperation pave a new future
Archdiocese Of Detroit Declares Abuse Claim Credible Against Dead Priest
As Of October 2018, The US Is Now Energy Independent
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Broward, FL County's Brenda Snipes... idiocy and how to destroy the electoral system
California’s Wildfires Wiped Out This Small Town — Now It Might Never Come Back
Facebook executive's firing fan the flames of an anti-conservative debate in Silicon Valley
Illegal immigrants break November 2017 number in 2 days - Washington Times
First Democrat Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Bid. Trump's Already Given Him A Nickname.
PC GONE MAD: Phrase ‘Long Time No See’ Is Declared Racist
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France, Google Facebook Push Online Hate Speech Regulation
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Ignored ICE detainer causes release of illegal alien who goes on to murder 3
Mainstream Media Gave Less Coverage to GOP's Young Kim Than Similarly Historic Democratic Peers
Media Takes Democrats’ Side in Florida Recount - Accuracy in Media
Michelle Obama: America Chose ‘Misogynist’ Trump Over ‘Exceptionally Qualified’ Clinton
Minnesota Dem Congresswomen-Elect: I Believe In, Support BDS Movement
MSNBC Host Incorrectly Claims Broward County Election Supervisor Is a Republican
Fox News Sunday Panel Slams Broward Vote Counting Incompetence, Credibility Issues
Illegal immigrants break November 2017 number in 2 days - Washington Times
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Fed up San Franciscans catalogue images of their city's new depravity
NY Times Blames Trump Alone for Rocky Relationship With Press Corps - Accuracy in Media
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Shawnee State University Wins Competition Of Unhinged Academic Lunacy
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Tucker Carlson Rebuts 'Assault' Claim: Country Club Booted Avenatti Client
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Trump Blames Market Drop On Democrats "Harassing" The President
OPINION: Radical Environmentalists Are To Blame For California’s Wildfires
Macron attacks Trump by calling nationalism treason
Get Cynical, Get Angry, And Stay Free
2018 Proved Obama Is Electoral Kryptonite In Battleground States
Kemp Calls Abrams Delusional as She Files Lawsuit Seeking Count of Rejected Votes
'No Consistent Evidence' $3 Billion Disability Program Helps Recipients Find a Job
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Jerry Brown Blames Climate Change for California Wildfires
UMass Students Upset by Racist Graffiti Found in Dorm
Liberal California Blames Wildfires on Trump
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Defeated GOP Rep. Lewis Blames McCain’s Vote Against Obamacare For House Loss
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Stacey Abrams Files Suit To Force Georgia Gubernatorial Election Into A Runoff
Kemp Says Updated Vote Totals Affirm His Victory as Abrams Files Lawsuit
LET’S GET FRACKING: Saudi Export Cuts, OPEC Committee Hints on Production Send Oil Sharply Higher….
OPINION: House Democrats Need To Conduct Hearings … On Government Waste
The Most Barbaric Pro-Abortion Ad Of All Time
Women’s March Loses Human Rights Award Due To Rampant Anti-Semitism
Chip Roy Turns Tables On Democrats: They Have ‘Blood On Their Hands’ On The Border
Another Justice Resigns From Scandal-Plagued West Virginia Supreme Court
Environmentalists Urging New Democratic Congress To Investigate Exxon
Maxine Waters: GOP Is Scared of a 'Strong, Black Woman' Like Me in Leadership
Virgil: France’s Macron Attacks America’s Trump, and Americans Help Pay For It
Religion Under Attack More Than Ever as International Religious Freedom Act Turns 20
A Bloodbath for Christians, No Response from Egypt
UN Member States: Migration Is a Human Right
CNN gearing up to sue over Jim Acosta's suspended White House press pass
69-Year-Old Dutch Man Asks Court To Change His Age To 49
GOP Candidate Rick Scott Files 3 More Election Lawsuits in Florida
Beijing Biden: Biden's Bro Linked to Chinese Foreign Agent
All of a sudden, Mexico is warmly welcoming the migrant caravan...
Hungary wants more info on Soros-UN debit cards as they may finance terrorism
Trump warns of effort to "steal" Florida races after recount declared
Cruz: 'Under No Circumstances' Should We Let Migrant Caravan into America
Kyrsten Sinema gains 4,000 votes in Arizona Senate race
German NGO rescinds award to US Women's March due to antisemitism charge
Prominent terror cases with ties to Florida
European police smash ring smuggling Palestinians with 'bogus asylum claims'
Teacher Fails Straight A Student For Not Denying God
Fox News Boycotting Twitter For Allowing Doxxing Of Tucker Carlson, Source Says
Democratic Lawyers Object To 'Non-Citizen' Florida Ballot Being Thrown Out
Exit Polls: Regular Churchgoers Voted Republican in Midterms
Swalwell: GOP Won't Get Democratic Votes to Fund Government if They Won't Protect Mueller Probe
CNN’s Toobin: Trump 'Is Always Attacking Black People'
Trump Gaining Popularity Year-by-Year in France as Macron Plummets
Migrant Family Apprehensions in October Up 378 Percent over Prior Year
Soros-Funded Groups Demand Gov. Rick Scott Recuse Himself from Florida Recount
Surprise! Georgia Democrats encouraged as ‘thousands of new votes’ have come in for Stacey Abrams
Left Furious at White Women for Voting for Hispanic Cruz
Florida Recounting Senate, Governor Races Amid Fraud, Suppression Allegations
Country Club Bars Man Who Called Carlson's Daughter 'C*nt,' 'Whore'
Central American Migrants Continue to March Towards US Border
Dem Congresswoman-Elect: I Won't Vote Pelosi for House Speaker
What’s Happening In Florida and Arizona | Power Line
Arizona GOP Accuses Dem Recorder of Destroying Evidence
Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins
From Asylum to the Keystone Pipeline, Obama’s Judges Continue Thwarting Trump
Why Suburban Women Cost the Republicans the House
Newly Unsealed Documents Show Top FDIC Officials Running Operation Choke Point
Florida orders recount in contentious senate, governor races | US Midterms 2018 News
Scott wins two lawsuits as he fights a blatant attempt by Dems to violate the law
No big deal, just Palm Beach County refusing to comply with the recount court order
QUESTION ASKED: Why Hasn’t Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Been Fired Yet?…
Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades - WSJ
Broward County Is An Embarrassment, And The Potential For A Stolen Florida Election Is Real
ACLU files lawsuit to stop Trump's new asylum restrictions | News
Where Do We Go When Journalism Fails Us?
CNN’s Camerota Slams Broward County’s “Absurd” Vote Counting, “None Of This Inspires Confidence”
Mystery as Teacher finds locked ballot box 'left behind' at Broward County polling place
Stanford hosts lecture on Trump admin's 'racist agenda'
College offers space to 'process' 'stressful' midterm election results
Jon Stewart Thinks It's Harder To Get A Cat Than A Gun
New voters helped GOP the most in Georgia
Scotland is first country to approve LGBTI school lessons
REAL MEN: Witness Says Men In Thousand Oaks Shooting Knelt To Block Shooter From Shooting Others
Majority of Germans feel strangers in their own country since the influx of Muslim migrants - Study
Video Shows Baltimore Student Punching Female Teacher in the Face
Bernie Sanders Claims Voters' RACISM Led To Gillum, Abrams Losses, Quickly Gets Schooled
Larry King: "CNN Stopped Doing News A Long Time Ago"
Police Warn Of Brooklyn Teens Targeting Jews In Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes
‘It’s not about you’: Brit Hume has some sage advice for showboating journos like Jim Acosta
‘Some Say’ Question Brings Tough Response From Trump - Accuracy in Media
Video Contradicts CNN and NY Times Claims About Acosta Incident
Fed Signals Further Rate Increases Amid Strong Economy
Liberal Boomer Says Older Conservatives ‘Suck’ In NowThis Video
Republicans File Lawsuit Over Tight Arizona Senate Race
Cory Booker says American Justice system "a CANCER on the soul of our country."
Trump Administration Officially Rolls Back Obama Birth Control Rule
Stephen Colbert Condemns Alleged Antifa Members Targeting Tucker Carlson
Jim Acosta straight-up lied about touching WH staffer — and CNN helped [video]
Appeals Court Rules Against Trump on DACA Immigration Program
Election Officials Encourage Non-Citizen Voting, Influence Voters on Hidden Camera
Gallup Poll : U.S. Democrats Favor Someone Other Than Pelosi as Speaker
BDS Activists Celebrate Celebrity Chef's Withdrawal from Israel Event
Portland Freak Show Not Happy With the 2018 Election Results
Claire McCaskill, unleashed and sounding a lot more liberal after her election loss
Texas Democrat Celebrates Re-Election in Jail Cell
Comparing Republicans to Nazis -- Who Started it?
Every Republican Presidential Candidate Is Hitler
GOP Controlled Senate: Democrats’ Fears Come to Pass
Media Uninterested in First Korean Woman in Congress... Because She's Republican
Democrats Are Going On About The House And Senate ‘Popular Vote.’ Here’s Why That’s Dumb.
OPINION: Student Hysterics Over The Koch Brothers Are Out Of Line
UMass Campus Police Called Over Alleged ‘Confederate Flag’ Graffiti
Texas Poll Worker Tells Undercover Journalist: ‘We’ve Got Tons of DACA Voters’
The 2018 Midterms: Why The House Moved Left and the Senate Moved Right
Report: Google, Facebook Earn 25x More from Political Ads in 2018 than 2014
NO WAY! Slate has an awakening about why Dem blue wave expectations ‘feel mediocre’
8 Big Takeaways From The Midterm Elections
Hell hath no wrath like a physically aggressive CNN reporter who refuses to take no for answer.
John Harwood thinks Trump’s presidency now in ‘mortal danger’ (and people have questions)
Democrats Aren't Losing Faith In Our Constitutional System. They Just Don’t Like It.
Hundreds of thousands of ballots still out in tight Arizona Senate race
After Trump’s Scolding, Black PBS Reporter Now Has ‘Residue Of Hate’
Among Black Voters, Trump’s Popularity Inches Upward - WSJ
‘Embarrassed himself today’: FNC’s Chris Wallace slams Jim Acosta’s ‘shameful’ behavior
Dow jumps by more than 500 points as Sessions resigns as Attorney General amid Mueller probe
Republican Losses In The Midterms Could Play Right Into Donald Trump’s Hands
Tom Steyer’s Renewable Energy Initiative Fails In Arizona
Countless Triggered Twitter Randos ‘Literally Shaking’ Over Beto Loss
Bloomberg’s Big Bucks Is Torpedoing This California Republican’s Re-Election Bid
Beto-Bros Sob After ‘Rockstar’ Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Loses In Texas
Progressives Turn On White Women After Underwhelming Midterm Results
Has Trump Put the Senate Out of Democrat Range for 2020? | Roger L. Simon
Linda Sarsour: "The Jews are our misfortune."
Most Democrat Senators Who Voted Against Brett Kavanaugh Lost in Midterms
Why This Is a Very Scary Time for Young Men - Minding The Campus
The Left Is Normalizing Hatred | Trending
Jerry Brown’s Legacy Stays Intact After California Voters Fail To Nix Gas Tax Increase
Both Sides Claim Victory on Immigration Politics
OUCH! So how did the Dems Obama campaigned for do on #ElectionNight?
Jersey Trash: Sleazy Bob Menendez Wins Re-Election
Israeli firm says info for 62 million US voters found for sale online
Poll Workers in Texas tell Project Veritas Reporter Dreamers Can Vote
Girl Scouts sue Boy Scouts for trademark infringement
Big Labor Still All-In for Dems
Firepower for U.S. Stocks May Lose Spark as Democrats Gain Clout
Armed Black Panthers for Democrat Gov. Candidate Stacey Abrams
The moment Black teens hurled a pole through a synagogue window
How The Caravan Could Lead To A U.S. Refugee Crisis Like Europe’s
November 12, 2018 at 04:31 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Similar to the current "expert" climate/energy policies being pushed on the unsuspecting citizens of multiple countries, the expert health policies pushed on the masses for the last 50+ years have been based on a dogmatic, consensus belief in a questionable hypothesis.
More on that specific hypothesis later.
In the U.S., starting with the 1970s, the air and water quality has been dramatically improving; the number of people who smoke has dropped like a stone; the pharmaceutical/medical/health care research complex has produced wondrous solutions for communicable diseases; and yet, despite all that good news, the overall health of Americans and their lifespans have in some respects actually declined.
As the chart depicts, the U.S. growth trend of chronic diseases (cancers, diabetes, heart disease, brain dysfunctions, stroke, and etc.) is at unsustainable levels, and it's just as bad all across the globe:
"While international agencies have been spending their funds in controlling infectious diseases, evidence of non-communicable [chronic] diseases reveals an alarming global pandemic and associated fatalities" (Strong et al, 2005)
Now, combine that with the chronic obesity epidemic - here and across the world. Is it any wonder that health care expenses are causing havoc for even the stoutest of economies?
Where did this explosion in growth of global chronic diseases come from?
Well as the latest scientific evidence is revealing, this unstoppable growth of chronic diseases is most likely a direct result of U.S politicians and government bureaucrats - during the '70's decade - accepting and promoting a very weak speculative research hypothesis. A hypothesis that had not been validated by any rigorous scientific evidence*.
That hypothesis, in it's most simplest terms, was the notion that eating fat and cholesterol killed people.
This acceptance and promotion of an unproven hypothesis lead to a dogmatic, consensus belief by doctors and dietitians that everyone needs to replace fats with carbohydrates.
And that became the foundation of the well promulgated high-carb and low-fat food pyramid concept, resulting in "experts" actually believing a breakfast of Pop Tarts and orange juice was more "healthy" than eggs, bacon, and black coffee.
The unintended consequence of this highly speculative hypothesis is our global epidemic of poor health and overweight. This epidemic was first identified around 1980 and by 1988 the CDC started the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Yet the vast majority of doctors and dietitians still push on their patients the orthodox treatments and recommendations based on a bogus hypothesis, or if you prefer, junk science. (Go here to read about how wedded and malevolent the medical and dietitian establishments are in regards to protecting their consensus anti-science.)
The history, the politics, the narrative, and the lack of robust, proven scientific research supporting the entire consensus nutrition/diet framework is frankly eye-opening.
And surprise, it has an incredible amount of similarities with the consensus narrative, politics, advocacy, and policy tactics based on the unvalidated and unproven CO2 hypothesis of global warming and climate change.
Two recent excellent reads on the unscientific diet/nutrition science, and the biased politics involved, can be read about here and here.
Not to be forgotten, the consensus politics of climate science is also very vitriolic and intimidating.
*The recent recommendations of America's 'Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee', in regards to both dietary cholesterol and fat, substantiates that the original research behind the consensus health/nutrition policies was neither robust nor statistically/clinically significant.
March 10, 2018 at 11:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Lol.....sure to become a 'politically correct' classic, and a favorite of the White House, the IPCC bureaucrats, those green 'Hotel Earth' doomsday comrades, and, of course, all dogma-loving students....
December 24, 2015 at 08:58 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Trusting the authorities and experts in the modern medical health and research fields has recently proven to be very dangerous to one's health, and costly to society.
Readers familiar with the ins-and-outs of climate science are well aware that incidents like Climategate proved that government scientists and bureaucrats, especially those with an agenda, could not be trusted to inform the public honestly.
Unfortunately for health patients, they too have blindly trusted for decades. They have trusted the advice of doctors and pharmaceutical experts claiming a "consensus" and the "settled" science that powerful statin medications must be taken to heal cardiovascular disease and prevent heart attacks.
Yet after decades of trust, the public is now learning that stains have a high potential of producing faster aging and undesirable brain effects. From the latest research:
"Statins make regular users become older faster, leaving them open to long-term mental and physical decline, according to disturbing new research...Scientists have found the heart disease drug badly affects our stem cells, the internal medical system which repairs damage to our bodies and protects us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss."
And it's not like the doctors and health experts had not been told that statins were proving to be dangerous. The patient anecdotal reports and medical research literature are littered with past reports of a wide variety of negative side effects that this class of pharmaceuticals has been associated with.
Despite all the damning statin evidence coming forth, the expert medical elites, with their anti-science agenda (which essentially amounted to accepting the non-evidence based claims from both pharma experts and many conflicted pharma-funded health organizations that these drugs were safe), kept pushing for the public's statin consumption to increase.
As we have stated before, it's not only the climate science advocates and their research that can't be trusted.
Simply stated: "Trust No One" and especially elites and experts with an agenda.
October 06, 2015 at 07:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Government-funded climate science is not the only research field where "experts" make bogus claims, conduct fraudulent science and report only cherry-picked data.
It's recently been uncovered that young people are potentially 10 times more likely to be violent and/or suicidal if consuming prescribed antidepressant drugs.
Turns out the scientists who developed this class of drugs failed to mention that these medications would produce unwanted outcomes, and the peer-reviewed journals subsequently failed to warn the public regarding the bogus science.
"The new study, published in the journal BMJ, proves the long-suspected dangers of the drug also known as Paxil, Aropax, Extine and Paxtine. Study leader Jon Jureidini said it raised wider implications about the need for medical researchers to publish their underlying data — standard practice in genomics and astronomy, but rare in medicine."
October 03, 2015 at 04:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3 )
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From December 15 - 25th: (Download PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Democrats, liberals, progressives, lefties and greens truly believe that they and government bureaucrats know best how to control the energy sector and the world's climate. As the below headlines make abundantly clear though, their plans and policies of über government control can't even work in the less complex health care market.
A Doctor Sums Up Obamacare In One Sentence [Vid]
White House Concedes: Obamacare Is Prohibitively Expensive
Already? A Taxpayer Bailout For Obamacare?
Utter Chaos: White House Exempts Millions From Obamacare's Insurance Mandate
OBAMACARE: It’s Democrat Panic Time!
That "Brilliant" Obama Repeals Democrats' Obamacare
Another Obamacare Fiasco Fix: Those "Sub-Standard" Plans Are Now Okay
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #14" »
December 26, 2013 at 05:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3 )
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From December 11, 12, 13 & 14th: (Download PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Democrats, liberals, progressives, lefties and greens truly believe that they and government bureaucrats know best how to control the energy sector and the world's climate. As the below headlines make abundantly clear though, their plans and policies of über government control can't even work in the less complex health care market.
NBC/WSJ Poll: Only 24% of America's Uninsured Think Obamacare Is A Good Idea
Letterman: Obama Can Take Funeral ‘Selfies’ But Can’t Get Obamacare Website Working [Vid]
Obamacare Fallout: Survey of Washington political insiders shows most Republicans and a near-majority of Democrats predicting a Republican Senate majority in 2014
Obamacare Fallout: Health Law Continues To Take A Toll On Obama's Approval Ratings
Politico: The Left's Reality Problem - the deceptions around Democrats' Obamacare are central
Obamacare Shocker: Richest 1% Get Best Health Care; Other 99% Not So Much [Vid]
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #13" »
December 15, 2013 at 08:27 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source:Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From December 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10th: (Download updated PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Obamacare, where the liberal/progressive dream crashes and burns
Repealing Obamacare Would Be Easier Than Repealing Prohibition
GOP alternative to Obamacare would save nation $2.3 trillion
Tech Experts Say Obamacare Site Should Have Cost Only $10 million, not $300+ million
Obamacare Fallout: Survey says Democrats Are the Out-of-Touch Extremists
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #12" »
December 10, 2013 at 03:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3 )
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 28, 29, 30, December 1, 2 & 3rd: (Download updated PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Obama doesn’t care to sign up for Obamacare
CNN: Democrat Senate majority leader exempts his staffers from Obamacare exchanges
Do You Recall These Proud Democratic Party Moments On Obamacare? [Vid]
Obamacare Reveals Core Incompetency of Democrats' Big Govt Solutions
Pre-Obamacare: 87% of Americans Were Happy With Their Health Care
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #11" »
December 04, 2013 at 07:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27th: (download updated PDF of all 'C3' Obamacare headlines)
Happy Thanksgiving: Obama & His Obamacare lunatic zealots plan to ruin your family holiday
Happy Thanksgiving: Obamacare Provides Better Benefits To Non-Citizens Than Impoverished Americans
Happy Thanksgiving: Top U.S. hospital laying off staff due to Obamacare
Happy Thanksgiving: Report: Obamacare Could Force 80 Million Off Employer-Provided Plans
Happy Thanksgiving: Hitler Finds Out He Can't Keep His Doctor Due To Obamacare [Vid]
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
November 28, 2013 at 08:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 19, 20 & 21st: (download updated PDF)
They're Really Desperate Now - Obamacare supporters crank up the racial rhetoric
CBS: Poll Found Only Seven Percent Of Americans Want To Keep Obamacare
Experts: Individual Health Insurance Market Functioned Better Before Obamacare
NYT: Obamacare Debacle Could Kill Liberal/Progressive Big Govt Utopia
Majority in U.S. Say Healthcare Not Gov't Responsibility
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare Ordeal - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #9" »
November 22, 2013 at 08:51 AM | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 15, 16, 17 & 18th: (download updated PDF)
Why Obamacare Is On Life Support
VP Biden: 'God Willing' Obamacare Website Gets Fixed
What Democrats, Liberals & Progressives Said Before the Train Wreck: The Top 10 Worst Quotes Pushing Obamacare [Vids]
Revealed: Senate Republicans tried to block Obamacare rule that caused millions of insurance cancellations...but EVERY Democrat voted to save it!
Obamacare flopped, fracking worked - More proof that federal government programs are least effective
Obamacare Architect: 'Could Be the Beginning of a Death Spiral' [Vid]
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare Ordeal - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #8" »
November 19, 2013 at 05:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The 'Obamacare' Headlines From November 13 & 14th: (download updated PDF)
Noteworthy Headline For 'C3' Readers: If You Liked Obamacare, You’ll Love ClimateCare
USA Today: Obamacare credibility going up in smoke
Gallup: Disapproval of Obamacare Growing
The disaster that is Obamacare
Democratic Panic Forces Obama to Buckle
President Obama Admits That Obamacare is Unworkable
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare Ordeal - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #7" »
November 15, 2013 at 01:09 PM | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The Obamacare Headlines From November 10, 11 & 12th: (download updated PDF)
U.S. Won WWII In Less Time Than It's Taking White House To Build A Working Obamacare Web Site
In North Dakota, 30 People Sign Up for Obamacare, But 35,000 Lose Plans [Vid]
Under Obamacare, People Pay More for Inferior Health Plans, Lose Health Insurance They Liked
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare Ordeal - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #6" »
November 12, 2013 at 08:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge --- Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The Obamacare Headlines From November 8th & 9th: (download updated PDF)
Report: Washington D.C.'s Obamacare exchange only enrolls 5
Oregon's health care site has not enrolled a single person for health insurance under Obamacare
Obamacare's Biggest Failure So Far: Just 18% Of Uninsured Have Expressed An Interest In Enrolling
Seniors lose insurance and doctors under Democrats' Obamacare
Fact Checking Obama's NBC Interview: 93 to 129 million Americans may lose their coverage, not Obama's claim of 15 to 16 million [Vid]
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare Ordeal - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #5" »
November 10, 2013 at 12:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
(click on cartoon to enlarge ---Source: Cartoon #1, #2, #3)
The Obamacare Headlines From November 7th: (download updated PDF)
Clueless: Democrat Sen. Harry Reid says GOP criticisms of Obamacare are simply ‘jokes’
15 Terrified Democrat Senators plead their case about Obamacare debacle at White House
(click below link for remaining Obamacare headlines)
Continue reading "The Democrats' Obamacare Ordeal - A Fiasco Liberals & Progressives Own, Part #4" »
November 08, 2013 at 04:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)